
Born out of the civil war that ended the Western Tarikov Empire, Roedacia is an old nation by Westerlands reckoning, tracing their roots back to the first foundings of human civilization in the region. Despite their age, Roedacia has always held a tenuous grasp on power, facing adversity and loss from its founding all the way through to today. Upon their founding, they were the sole dominant force of the region, but have since fallen to a shadow of the strength they once had. After less than two centuries of rule, they faced an uprising in their western territories, eventually losing the fight to remain united and giving rise to the nation of Brunia. As Reinestad rose in prominence, Roedacia found themselves competing for dominance in the sea trade, eventually culminating in a naval war between the two nations. While initially in a strong position, a series of tactical blunders allowed the then-smaller Reinestad navy to take the advantage, dismantling the Roedacian navy over the course of several years. They eventually found themselves hemmed in, with blockades on their ports and no navy to rescue them. With no naval trade to maintain their economies, Roedacia’s port cities quickly fell to ruin. The destruction of Roedacia’s maritime capacity earned Reinestad their eternal enmity, and the two have maintained a passing hatred for each other ever since, with Reinestad holding sole control of the Tarikov sea to this day. Without access to sea trade, Roedacia has become an insular nation, maintaining good relations and trade only with their neighbors to the south, Tor Dorthanolin. Today they are a largely Feudal region, with local lords ruling over small parcels and leading a largely subsistence living. The lands along their northern border are a slow transition to full wilderness, with little to no protections against threats from the World Spine Mountains beyond what locals can produce for themselves, particularly north of the trade road. The once thriving coastal and port cities have either fallen to ruin or devolved to small fishing villages, with no access to the glut of trade that flows through the Tarikov sea. What trade does come into Roedacia comes by the trade roads from Stormhaven. Due to the value of this trade, the thin band of territory following along the roads serves as one of the wealthier regions of the nation, benefiting greatly from the flow of goods and traders through them.


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