Scribe Spell Equation

You pluck runes and glyphs from your crystalline dust and arrange them into an equation that holds magic for later use.


Scribe Scroll, aphorite, Caster Level 5th, crystalline dust racial trait.


You manipulate the runes and glyphs of your crystalline dust into an equation that describes a specific spell. This process is identical to scribing a scroll, except that the spell is stored as a specific pattern in your crystalline dust, visible only to you. You can activate the spell in the same way you would activate a scroll, except that you need only one hand free to trace the final glyph in the equation, releasing the spell. The cost of materials to store a spell equation is the same price as scribing an equivalent scroll. You can have one spell equation stored at a time, plus one additional spell when your character level reaches 10th, 15th, and 20th levels.

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