Seasoned Commander

The seasoned commander excels at leading troops through inspiration and the use of unit tactics.

Strategic Training (Ex)

A seasoned commander gains 4 skill ranks + a number of skill ranks equal to their Intelligence modifier at each level instead of the normal 2 skill ranks + Intelligence modifier at each level. A seasoned commander adds Diplomacy, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nobility), Linguistics, and Sense Motive to their list of class skills.
  This alters the fighter’s skill ranks per level and class skills, and replaces the bonus fighter combat feat gained at 1st level and proficiency with heavy armor and tower shields.

Tactician (Ex)

At 3rd level, a seasoned commander gains the cavalier’s tactician class feature, treating their fighter level as their cavalier level for the purposes of this ability.
  This ability replaces armor training 1.

Inspiring Speech (Ex)

At 5th level, a seasoned commander can give an inspiring speech as a Standard Action once per day. If they do, all allies who can hear their speech gain the benefits of inspire courage, granting bonuses 1 lower than those granted by a bard of the seasoned commander’s fighter level, lasting 1 round per fighter level + their Charisma modifier (abilities that affect a bardic performance, such as Lingering Performance, have no effect on this ability). At 7th level, they can perform the speech as a Move Action, and at 13th level, they can perform the speech as a Swift Action.
  This ability replaces weapon training 1 and 3.

Inspire Greatness (Ex)

At 9th level, a seasoned commander gains an additional daily use of their inspiring speech ability, and they can also choose to use their inspiring speech to grant the effects of inspire greatness to one ally (instead of inspire courage). For every 2 levels a seasoned commander attains beyond 9th, they can target one additional ally while using this ability (up to a maximum of six at 19th level). This ability functions in all other respects like the seasoned commander’s inspire courage ability. Whichever inspiring speech they choose to use, if the seasoned commander uses an inspiring speech before the duration of their previous inspiring speech ends, the new inspiring speech replaces the old speech.
  This ability replaces weapon training 2.

Greater Tactician (Ex)

At 11th level, the seasoned commander gains the cavalier’s greater tactician class feature, treating their fighter level as their cavalier level for the purposes of this ability.
  This ability replaces armor training 3.

Inspire Heroics (Ex)

At 15th level, a seasoned commander gains an additional daily use of their inspiring speech, and they can also choose to use their inspiring speech to grant the effects of inspire heroics to one ally (instead of inspire courage or inspire greatness). For every 2 levels a seasoned commander attains beyond 15th, they can target one additional ally while using this ability. This ability functions in all other respects like the seasoned commander’s inspire courage ability.
  This ability replaces armor training 4.

Master Tactician (Ex)

At 17th level, the seasoned commander gains the cavalier’s master tactician class feature, treating their fighter level as their cavalier level for the purposes of this ability.
  This ability replaces weapon training 4.

Parent Class



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