Shapechanging Savage

You catch foes off guard when changing your shape.


Deft Maneuvers or canny feint vigilante talent, change shape ability, shapechanger subtype.


Whenever you use your Change Shape ability to assume a new form or to return to your true form, you can attempt a Bluff check as a Swift Action to Feint one opponent within 30 feet who witnessed your transformation. You take a -4 penalty on Bluff checks to Feint an opponent who is aware that you are a shapechanger. You don't take the usual penalties for feinting a creature of a different type or a creature with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 when feinting in this manner.


A character with the wild shape class feature counts as having the Change Shape ability and shapechanger subtype for the purpose of meeting this feat's prerequisites. A character with wild shape can use this feat's benefit whenever she uses wild shape to assume a new form or return to her true form.

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