Shark Leap

(Style, Combat)
Like a deadly predator, you bolt at unsuspecting foes from below.


Improved Unarmed Strike, Shark Style, Shark Tear, Swim 10 ranks, base attack bonus +10 or Monk, Astoran level 10th.


While in Shark Style, when you're underwater with neutral, rising, or swiftly rising buoyancy, you can perform a terrifying leap to attack opponents directly above you. This works similarly to the Charge action, except you can move only straight up, and you make a single piercing unarmed strike or bite attack. If the attack hits, it deals double damage; if the attack roll's result is also higher than 11 + the target's Swim modifier, the attack knocks the target off-balance until its next turn. Like with a Charge, you can perform a partial version when limited to a single Standard Action (such as in the surprise round in addition to moving half as far as normal for a partial Charge, the attack doubles only the damage dice (as per Vital Strike) rather than the full damage roll.

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