Sliding Dash

Your seemingly reckless advance becomes an agile strike at the last moment.


Dexterity 15, Acrobatics 10 ranks or Acrobatic charge class feature, Bluff 3 ranks.


When charging, instead of moving to the closest space from which you can attack your target, you can move to the space adjacent to your target and on the other side of it, as long as you move through the closest space from which you can attack the target and through the target's space to get there. When you move through the target's space, you must attempt an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to 10 + your opponent's CMD. Success allows you to move through the target's space without provoking an attack of opportunity from that target, and when you arrive in the destination space and make your attack, the target is considered Flanked for that attack (or the first attack if you have more than one attack on a Charge). On a failed check, you instead provoke an attack of opportunity and complete the Charge as normal. Whether or not you succeed at the Acrobatics check, you take a -4 penalty to your AC until the start of your turn, instead of the normal -2 penalty.


When charging, you must end the movement part of a Charge in the closest space in which you can attack your target.

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