
Smugglers specialize in moving contraband from one area to another while avoiding detection by authorities. Sometimes a smuggler’s cargo is illegal goods, such as drugs or slaves. Other times, a smuggler hides legal goods to avoid paying duties or taxes, and some may even use their abilities to help smuggle escaped slaves to freedom. Smugglers may work on a ship that does nothing but smuggle goods from one port to another, or they may freelance, working on ships that require a smuggler’s services for a short time.
  The smuggler is an archetype of the rogue class. Bribery*
  An experienced smuggler knows how to smooth over interactions with customs officials. At 3rd level, when dealing with officials working at a checkpoint, conducting an inspection, or performing another such activity, a smuggler can make a Diplomacy check opposed by the presiding official’s Sense Motive check to ensure their contraband makes it through. They gain a +1 bonus on this Diplomacy check. On a successful check, the smuggler pays a small bribe (5d4 gp) to guarantee their cargo remains undisturbed. This bonus rises to +2 when the smuggler reaches 6th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 12th level, +5 at 15th level, and +6 at 18th level.
  This ability replaces trap sense. Conceal Item*
  A smuggler adds 1/2 their level on Sleight of Hand checks (minimum +1). A smuggler can use Sleight of Hand to conceal a small item in a container or room, such as the false bottom of a chest or beneath floorboards. Anyone attempting to find an item concealed by a smuggler makes a Perception check opposed by the Sleight of Hand check made by the smuggler when they concealed the Object.
  This ability replaces trapfinding. Distraction*
  A smuggler uses patter and body language to deflect searchers from hidden items. At 2nd level, a smuggler may make a Bluff check opposed by a searcher’s Perception check when a searcher looks for items the smuggler has concealed. If the smuggler’s Bluff check succeeds, the searcher must make a second Perception check and take the lower of the two rolls.
  This ability replaces Evasion.

Parent Class



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