
Cost: +30 gp
Weight: +5 lbs.

  A heavy shield can be modified to include a dozen rods protruding from its surface. When used as a weapon to bash an opponent, a snarlshield has the disarm Weapon Special Quality.
  This modification increases a shield's armor check penalty by 1.


Damage: 1d3 (small), 1d4 (medium)
Critical: x2
Type: Bludgeoning
Category: One-Handed
Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Group: Close, Tribal
  A snarlshield has the Disarm Weapon Special Quality.
  If you use your shield as a weapon, you lose its AC bonus until your next turn. An Enhancement Bonus on a shield does not improve the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it, but the shield can be made into a Magic Weapon in its own right.


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