Sovereign Dragon, Ancient

This magnificent dragon is covered in splendid gold scales, and horns jut from its head like a crown.

Sovereign Dragon, Ancient (CR 20)

Gargantuan Dragon
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +3
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision; Perception +42
Aura: frightful presence (300 feet, DC 30)
  Speed: 50 feet, Fly 250 feet (clumsy)
Space: 20 feet


Armor Class: 39, touch 5, flat-footed 39 (-1 Dex, +34 natural, -4 size)
Hit Points: 377 (26d12+208)
Saving Throws: Fort +23, Ref +16, Will +24
Damage Reduction: 15/magic
Immunity: paralysis, sleep
Spell Resistance: 31


Melee: bite +37 (4d6+21/19-20), 2 claws +37 (2d8+14/19-20), gore +36 (2d8+21), tail slap +34 (2d8+21)
Reach: 15 feet (20 feet with bite and gore)
  Special Attacks: Breath Weapon (60-ft. cone, 20d6 sonic damage, DC 31), crush (DC 31, 4d6+21), tail sweep (DC 31, 2d6+21), violent retort
  Spell-Like Abilities (CL 26th; Concentration +33):
  • 0 (at will) - Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Read Magic
  • "


    39 (+14) 8 (-1) 27 (+8) 24 (+7) 25 (+7) 24 (+7)
    Base Attack Bonus: +26
    CMB +44
    CMD 53 (57 vs. Trip)
      Feats: Fly-by Attack, Hover, Improved Critical (bite, claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (bite, claw)
      Skills: Appraise +36, Bluff +36, Diplomacy +40, Fly -9, Heal +36, Intimidate +40, Knowledge (arcana) +36, Knowledge (history) +36, Knowledge (nobility) +36, Knowledge (planes) +36, Perception +42, Perform (oratory) +36, Sense Motive +36, Spellcraft +36
      Languages: Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Terran
      Special Qualities: Change Shape, dogmatic discordance, golden armor


    Special Abilities

    Change Shape (Su)

    A young or older sovereign dragon can assume any humanoid form three times per day as polymorph.

    Dogmatic Discordance (Su)

    Good or evil creatures take a -2 penalty when making saving throws against a sovereign dragon's spells, spell-like abilities, breath weapon, and aura.

    Golden Armor (Su)

    Once per day as a standard action, an old or older sovereign dragon can cover its form in golden armor, granting it a +4 armor bonus to AC and energy resistance 15 to one energy type, chosen at the time the armor is summoned. This armor lasts for a number of rounds equal to the dragon's age category. The sovereign dragon can dismiss the armor as a free action.

    Master Counterspelling (Su)

    A great wyrm sovereign dragon can counterspell once per round as an immediate action. It need not know the spell it is countering, but can instead expend any spell that is one level higher to automatically counter the spell.

    Violent Retort (Ex)

    When a young or older sovereign dragon takes damage from a melee attack critical hit, it can, as an immediate action, make a claw or tail slap attack against the creature that made the critical hit.


    Environment: Any Mountains
    Organization: solitary
    Treasure: triple

      Guardians of balance, sovereign dragons, or lungwangs as they are also known, were placed in the skies by the gods themselves to safeguard harmony in the world.