Speak With Plane

Level: Artificer * 4, Cleric */Oracle * 4, Shaman * 4, Sorcerer */Wizard * 4, Summoner * 3, Warlock * 4
Components: V, S, F/DF (a small glass bead)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: one plane with a sentient structure
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates, see text
Spell Resistance: yes
  You tap into the awareness and consciousness of a plane with a sentient structure (Planar Adventures 60), allowing it to answer questions. A tangible manifestation of the plane (such as the ground) must be within the spell's range upon casting. You can ask the sentient plane one question per 2 Caster Levels. If the plane's alignment is at least one step away from yours, the plane can attempt a Will Save to resist the spell. A plane typically has a +20 bonus on Will saves, and a demiplane typically has a +15 bonus on Will saves. A plane's traits can further affect these bonuses: a mildly aligned plane receives a +2 bonus, and a strongly aligned plane or a plane with the wild magic trait receives a +4 bonus on its save. If a plane has been subject to this spell within the past week, a new casting of this spell targeting the same plane fails. If speak with plane targets a plane that does not have a sentient structure, the spell fails.