
Cost: 50 gp
Weight: 2 lbs.
Damage: 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium)
Critical: x3
Range: see text
Type: Piercing
Category: Ranged Weapons
Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Groups Thrown
Special: Strength (Varies), See Text
  A spear-sling consists of a hollow tube with a loop of elastic material, such as rubber or sinew, attached to one end. The wielder draws a Harpoon, Javelin, Shortspear, or Spear through the tube, pulling the loop taut. Releasing the loop propels the shaft forward like a bow does an arrow. A Harpoon, Javelin, Shortspear, Spear, or other weapon shot from a spear-sling is treated as a projectile weapon instead of a thrown weapon, increasing its maximum range and allowing it to be used underwater. Using a spear-sling requires two hands. Loading a spear-sling is a Standard Action (a Move Action if the wielder has the Rapid Reload feat) that provokes attacks of opportunity.
  A spear-sling is made with a particular Strength rating, like a composite longbow. Each point of Strength bonus granted by the sling’s Strength rating adds 50 gp to its cost. If you have a negative Strength modifier, apply it to damage rolls when you use a spear-sling.


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