
Some martial arts forms include special stances a practitioner can take to improve their capabilities in combat. These stances can be assumed as a free action once each round. Dropping a stance is also a free action, and can be done on the same round in which it is assumed. These stances are highly specialized to the form in which they are learned, and thus cannot be effectively used outside of that form. A stance is lost if a character is forced into a position not characteristic of the stance (such as being tripped or grappled/held).   Unless otherwise stated, all bonuses from stances are applied as a Circumstance Bonus, and can be stacked with other circumstance bonuses.   Unless otherwise stated, all penalties are untyped, and thus stack with any other penalties.  

Bear Stance(Ex)

A solid 2 legged stance with both legs bent and forward, and both feet pointed slightly outwards. Arms are held wide in a wrestler-style position, with hands cupped forward in a knife hand position.
  You cannot move, circular parry, or dodge. Attacks are limited to overhand fore-knuckle fists, backhand strikes, and roundhouse strikes. You have a +2 bonus to parry and +2 bonus to hit while in this stance, and have a +6 to your Combat Maneuver Defense.

Crane Stance(Ex)

A one legged stance, with one leg straight and the other bent with the ankle level with the knee. Arms are outstretched with elbows up and hands pointed down in a crane fist position.
  Use your Flat-Footed AC (you are not actually considered flat footed, nor are you considered to have lost your Dexterity bonus to AC). You cannot move or dodge, and attacks are limited to crane fist and crescent kick. While in this stance you have a +4 bonus to parry, a +2 bonus to hit, and a +2 bonus to your critical threat range (applied after all other critical threat modifiers).

Drunken Monkey Stance(Ex)

Similar to the Drunken Style form, you have a Broken rhythm and seeming imbalance to all of your movements and attacks, with most hits and defenses seeming almost accidental in nature.
  You can take a second automatic dodge while in this stance, but both suffer an additional -2 penalty. You have a +2 bonus to all other dodges, a +2 bonus to all parries, and a +2 bonus to punches while in this stance.

Lost Monkey Stance(Ex)

You remain Prone and act convincingly crippled while you are in this stance. If you leave the Prone position, this stance ends.
  You suffer no penalties to attacks for being Prone while in this stance, and can only use multiple dodge, kick, spinning ground sweep, and leg hook. You have a +3 bonus to hit and to your Combat Maneuver Bonus for kick attacks while in this stance.

Stone Monkey Stance(Ex)

A blindly aggressive stance that involves walking with legs deeply bent, frequent leaps and acrobatic maneuvers.
  You cannot use defensive maneuvers while in this stance, but gain an additional attack each round, and have a +4 bonus to hit and +2 bonus to damage.

Tall Monkey Stance(Ex)

Stand at near full height (but still keeping the legs slightly bent) and using long, sweeping arm movements.
  You can only use punches and circular parry while in this stance, but you gain an additional use of circular parry each round. You have a +2 bonus to hit and damage while in this stance.

Titan's Embrace Stance(Ex)

A wide stance with both feet planted, one forward and the other back, leaning forward with arms out low in front, ready to lash out and Grab low. Provides very poor defense against traditional attacks, but acts as an ideal point from which to take down an opponent.
  You take a -4 penalty to AC against melee attacks in this stance, but gain a +4 to both CMD and CMB, as well as a +1 bonus to AC against ranged attacks. If you are in this stance before Initiative is rolled, gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks.

Wood Monkey Stance(Ex)

More a ruse than a stance, one lays on the floor in a heap pretending to be Dead, asleep, Unconscious, or badly wounded. Then, when an enemy closes in, it turns into a leap into attacks.
  You cannot act while in this stance. when an enemy enters melee range, you can exit this stance as an Immediate Action, standing without provoking attacks of opportunity, and making two unarmed strikes against the foe. Both attacks have a +6 to hit and damage.


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