Stylized Spontaneity

You can modify your spells' apparent components and characteristics at a moment's notice.


Bluff 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.


When you cast a spell, you can disguises to it as though it were effected by Stylized Spell (you do not gain the base benefits of Stylized Spell this way however, you must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 5 + twice the spell's level + 5 per modification) or the magic is too badly warped to function and the spell is wasted with no effect.


When you cast a spell modified by this feat, you can reduce the DC of the Spellcraft or Knowledge (arcana) check to identify the spell by 5 to disguise the spell in one of the following ways.
  Apparent Descriptor: A stylized spell can appear to have a descriptor it lacks or appear to lack a descriptor it truly has. Changing an apparent energy descriptor changes the superficial manifestation of the energy in the spell effect but does not change the type of damage the spell deals. If the energy damages any creatures or objects, an observer who succeeds at a DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) or Perception check as a move action can identify the actual type of damage dealt based on sensory clues.
  Apparent School: A stylized spell can appear to be of a different school or subschool when studied with Detect Magic.
  Apparent Source of Magic: A stylized spell can appear to be a different type of magic—arcane, divine, or psionic. The effect is convincing only if the spellcaster provides any necessary components (such as a divine focus when imitating divine spells), and the caster must have a number of ranks in the skill associated with that type of magic equal to the spell’s level. Knowledge (arcana) and perform are associated with arcane magic, Knowledge (nature and religion) are associated with divine magic, and Bluff and Knowledge (psionics) are associated with psionic magic. A spellcaster can disguise his spell as psionic magic only if they can hide or remove the spell’s verbal and somatic components (if any), such as with Conceal Spell, Secret Signs, Silent Spell, or Still Spell.
  Direction of Spell’s Effect: A stylized spell effect that visibly originates from the caster (such as a ray, Magic Missile, or Fireball bead) can instead appear to originate from another point within 30 feet of the caster. There must be clear lines of effect between each of the caster, the new origin point, and the destination. If the spell effect instead fills an area that originates from the caster (such as a line or cone), the effect can instead appear to originate from any point in that area. The new point of origin is entirely cosmetic, and it does not allow the spellcaster to ignore Cover or other barriers. In addition, the deception can’t make it appear that another creature cast the spell.
  Imitate a Dissimilar Spell: If a stylized spell appears to be of the same school and same source of magic, and to have the same descriptors as another spell because of other stylized spell modifications or changes from other sources (such as a class ability), the stylized spell can take on the superficial visual and auditory properties of the other spell.
  Suppress Audible or Visible Effects: A stylized spell’s effects can be suppressed to the point where they are difficult to spot or hear. Such a spell’s audible and visual effects are largely transparent, quieter, smaller, or otherwise less obtrusive. A creature notices the suppressed effects only if it succeeds at a Perception check (DC = 10 + your number of ranks in Bluff or Spellcraft + the highest of your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifiers). If, at the GM’s discretion, a spell’s effects are intrinsically bound to its visual or auditory signature (such as Sunburst, Sound Burst, and most spells with the language-dependent, light, or sonic descriptors), reduce the DC of the Perception by 10.

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