Subjective Slam

When in control of gravity, you can use your momentum to cause brutal impacts, transforming the very act of falling into a devastating weapon.


Constitution 13, Wisdom 13, Subjective Mobility, base attack bonus +4 or Monk, Astoran level 3rd.


While on a plane with subjective directional gravity, you halve all damage you take from impacts (such as Falling damage). While on such a plane, if your "fall" would cause you to collide with a creature or Object, you can slam into it with devastating force as a Standard Action. You must succeed at a Touch Attack to slam a creature or Object, with a cumulative -1 penalty for every 50 feet of your current Falling speed; at the GM's discretion, you can automatically hit vast objects such as walls. A creature or Object hit by this slam takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for every 50 feet of current Falling speed, to a maximum of 6d6, and begins Falling at your current speed according to your current subjective directional gravity.

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