Summon Evil Monster

Archbaron Fex can summon the aid of creatures driven by their very nature to destroy goodness. This feat originally appeared in Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Corruption. See Fex's Tactics on page 56 for the monsters the archbaron typically summons in combat. For the full list of monsters that can be summoned with this feat, refer to Champions of Corruption.


Any evil alignment.


When casting summon monster, you also have access to a list of additional evil monsters. When you're summoning a creature from this list, your debased nature allows you to cast the spell as a Standard Action. The summoned creature appears as normal for the spell, but can't act until your next turn. It is not Flat-Footed, however, and it can make attacks of opportunity as normal. These effects don't apply to creatures from the standard list that aren't also on this list.

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