
Cost: 18 gp
Weight: 10 lbs.
Damage: 1d6 (small), 2d4 (medium)
Critical: x4
Type: Piercing or Slashing
Category: Two-Handed Melee Weapons
Proficiency: Exotic
Weapon Groups Heavy Blades
Special: Trip
  This scythe has a spring-loaded blade that folds down into the weapon’s handle. Opening the scythe blade is a Swift Action, and closing it again is a Standard Action. You can use Bluff or Sleight of Hand to treat a closed switchscythe as a hidden weapon; the apparatus can be disguised with 1 minute of work, which grants a +5 bonus on such checks. This disguise is ruined when the weapon is opened and must be reapplied to hide the weapon again. Any effects that apply to a Scythe also apply to a switchscythe.


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