Swordtooth Shark

This giant gray shark opens its great mouth to reveal multiple rows of dagger-like teeth.

Swordtooth Shark (CR 3)

Large Animal (Aquatic)
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +5
Senses: Blindsense 60 feet, Keen Scent, Low-Light Vision; Perception +10
  Speed: Swim 60 feet
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 16, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +6 natural,-1 size)
Hit Points: 39 (6d8+12)
Saving Throws: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3


Melee: bite +8 (2d6+8/18-20 plus bleed)
Reach: 5 feet
  Special Attacks: Bleed (1d6, DC 15)


19 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 1 (-5) 12 (+1) 2 (-4)
Base Attack Bonus: +4
CMB +9
CMD 20
  Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (bite)
  Skills: Perception +10, Swim +12

Special Abilities

Keen Scent (Ex)

A swordtooth shark can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius underwater and can detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.

Savage Bite (Ex)

A swordtooth shark applies twice its Strength bonus to damage dealt with its bite attack, and it threatens a critical hit on an 18-20.


Environment: Any Oceans or Underground
Organization: solitary, school (2-5), or pack (6-9)
Treasure: incidental

  Swordtooth sharks are highly aggressive carnivores that spend most of their time hunting and killing. Swordtooth sharks are found in both freshwater and saltwater, and while most dwell in the large expanse of the world's oceans, some take to underground rivers and lakes where the fish are plentiful and other predators are rare. Swordtooth sharks, like their brethren, are pure killing machines, highly aggressive when hungry, and extremely territorial. A typical swordtooth's territory can cover several square miles.
  Swordtooths, like some other sharks, are not required to be in perpetual motion. They often rest on the bottom of the ocean's floors staying motionless for up to 24 hours. When resting, a swordtooth is highly attuned to its surroundings and always has its eyes open and focused on anything moving near it. Because of their resting habits, some swordtooths have developed ambush tactics, lying in wait on the ocean floor for prey to swim nearby before striking with blinding speed.
  The average swordtooth shark is 10 feet long and weighs 350 pounds, but can grow to lengths of up to 20 feet and weigh over 500 pounds. A swordtooth shark has three rows of razor-sharp teeth, pointed lower teeth for gripping its prey and serrated upper teeth for tearing flesh and muscle. Smaller prey is usually swallowed whole, while large prey is torn into large chunks before being eaten. Occasionally a swordtooth is cut open and a small amount of treasure spills out; remnants of a previously digested meal. A swordtooth has an average lifespan of 20-30 years while those that have migrated underground have an average lifespan of roughly 20-25 years.


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