
The Thalanor Empire occupied what is now the Bloodstone Peninsula for around 7 millenia, from the Era of First Flowering until midway through the Crown Wars. They were a maritime focused nation, with a fleet of merchant and navy ships unmatched by any in Astora. They grew wealthy from trade with the other nations of the continent, and were a prosperous and peaceful kingdom for most of their existence. With the collapse of peace between the elven nations, trade between the elven nations largely ceased, leading to an economic crisis within Thalanor. The nation slowly declined as it went through a series of different ruling houses, each promising to fix the nation’s woes and each failing to stem the decline. Eventually, the dissent at home turned violent, and Thalanor fell under the rule of a violent, militaristic king, who sought to solve the kingdom’s problems through conquest. Thalanor finally began participating in the Crown Wars in earnest, invading Aethel Loren only to find themselves overwhelmed by the power its people had obtained through dark magic and Fell pacts. The collapse of Thalanor was fast and destructive, taking less than a year after their failed attempts at military expansion. While the nation itself collapsed, most of the surviving elves remained, living alongside the Netherese empire in peace for several millennia until the destruction wrought by Karsus’ folly wiped them out.


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