Thieves Guild Actions

Level 1 Actions

Recruitment Run

Repeatable: No
Cost: 4 Manpower or 6k Gold or 3 Intel or 3 Favor
Effect: Increase your Base Manpower by 1, up to your current maximum
Check: None

Expand the membership of your guild.  

Run Street Informants

Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 1 Manpower, 1k Gold
Effect: Gain 1d4-1 Intel
Check: None

Running street informants involves paying those typically overlooked by society (street urchins, beggars, pan-handlers, etc.) to collect information for the guild. Runners patrol the streets, distributing payments and collecting information from those on the take.  


Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 2 Manpower, 1k Gold
Effect: Gain 1d6 Intel
Check: Strategic DC 10

Send agents afield to scout troop and individual movements, organization activities, other groups’ agents, and so on. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, leading scouts being caught or injured. The guild must pay 1 Favor, or it will have 1 less Manpower available on the next cycle.  

Pick Pockets

Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 1 Manpower
Effect: Gain 1d4-1k Gold
Check: None

Cutpurses patrol areas trafficked by wealthy individuals to relieve them of their coin.  


Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 2 Manpower
Effect: Gain 1d6+1k Gold
Check: Clandestine DC 10+

Burglars scout out and hit homes and establishments flush with cash to liberate coin for the guild purse. The base DC is 10 and increases by 2 for each burglary already committed this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, leading to some of the burglars getting caught and arrested or wounded. The guild must pay 1k Gold, or it will have 1 less Manpower available on the next cycle.

Augment: 1 Intel may be spent to either reduce the check DC by 10 or add 1d4k Gold to a success. Up to 2 total Intel can be spent in this way for each use of this action.  


Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 1 Manpower, 1k Gold
Effect: Gain 1d4 Favor
Check: Diplomatic 10

Agents curry Favors from influential individuals or organizations through cash donations.

Augment: 1 Intel may be spent to turn a failed bribe into a success.  


Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 1 Manpower, 1 Intel
Effect: Gain 1d6 Favor
Check: Clandestine DC 10

Sensitive information learned about a figure in a position in power is used as leverage to indebt the individual to the guild.

Augment: 1k Gold may be spent to turn a failed blackmail into a success.  


Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 1 Manpower
Effect: Gain 1d6k Gold
Check: Aggressive DC 10+

Guild bruisers hit a target in force, forgoing subtlety for strength. Targets could include wealthy businesses, rival guilds, or any target with more goods than guards. The base DC is 10 and increases by 2 for each robbery already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where things get violent and guild members get hurt. The guild will have 1 less manpower available on the next cycle.

Augment: 1 Manpower may be spent to reduce the check DC by 2 and increase the take by 1d4-1k gold. Up to 4 manpower can be spent in this way for each use of this action.  


Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 1 Manpower, 1 Intel
Effect: Gain 1d6 Favor or 1d6k Gold
Check: Aggressive DC 10

Agents find a wanted target and take them out of the picture (either temporarily or permanently). On success, the guild can decide to take their payment in favor or gold. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, leading to the target turning the tables on their assailant. The guild will have 1 less Manpower available on the next cycle.

Augment: 1 Manpower can be spent to attempt a re-roll of a failed Hit. the new roll must be used regardless of the result.  

Competitive Expansion

Repeatable: No
Cost: 4 Manpower or 6k Gold or 3 Intel or 3 Favor.
Effect: Increase your Base Manpower by 2, up to your current maximum.
Check: Aggressive DC 12

Rather than spend the time training new recruits, recruit fully trained and capable thieves from a rival guild. This ability shares its limited use with Recruitment Run: only one can be used on a given cycle.  

Gentle Reminder

Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 1 Manpower
Effect: Preserve Favor
Check: Diplomatic DC 15

Guild representatives visit those owing Favors to politely remind them of what they owe, and why. On a successful check, reduce the amount of Favor that will be lost due to decay next cycle by 1d6+1.  

Update Intel

Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 1 Manpower
Effect: Preserve Intel
Check: Strategic DC 15

Old Intelligence information is followed up on to verify its continued relevance, or important changes that have occurred since collection. On a successful check, reduce the amount of Intel that will be lost due to decay next cycle by 1d6+1.  

Hire Muscle

Repeatable: 4 per cycle
Cost: 2k gold
Effect: Increase your Manpower by 1. At the beginning of the next cycle, this increase is lost
Check: None

Hire on temporary help to boost the available number of operatives to perform guild missions.

Augment: Favor may be spent to extend the duration. For each Favor spent, the Manpower lasts 1 additional turn. Up to 2 Favor may be spent in this way for each use of this action.  

Level 2 Actions

Smuggling Operation

Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 2 Manpower, 1 Intel
Effect: Gain 1d6+1k Gold and 1d6+1 Favor
Check: Strategic DC 12+

Coordinate and execute smuggling operations to move contraband goods and generate income. The base DC is 12 and increases by 4 for each smuggling operation already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where the goods are taken and the guild must reimburse its owners for the loss, losing 2k Gold.

Augment: 2 Additional Manpower may be spent to increase the scope of the operation, adding 1d6k Gold and 1d6 Favor to a success, and reducing the check DC by 1. Up to 8 total Manpower may be spent in this way for each use of this action.  

Run Business Front

Repeatable: See Description
Cost: 3 Manpower
Effect: Depends on Front Type (See below)
Check: None

Operate a legitimate front business to launder money and run espionage on the community. This action is must be performed once a cycle for each front business the guild is operating. The output of each front depends on what kind of front it is, and is listed in the Business Fronts table. A guild can establish one additional front each cycle by spending 4k Gold, and can run a maximum number of fronts equal to their Strategic skill rank. If the guild is unable to perform this action for a front, they must pay 2k Gold or lose the front.  

Business Reconnaissance

Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 2 Manpower
Effect: Gain 2d4 Intel
Check: Strategic DC 12

Scout and research local businesses to identify potential targets for extortion, infiltration, or theft.  

Fence Stolen Goods

Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 2 Manpower, 2 Intel
Effect: Gain 4d4 Gold and 1d4-1 Favor
Check: Clandestine DC 12+

Offer to sell stolen goods to a network of buyers, generating income for the guild. The base DC is 12 and increases by 2 for each fencing operation already attempted this cycle.  

Rival Infiltration

Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 2 Manpower, 2 Favor
Effect: Gain 2d6 Intel
Check: Clandestine DC 12

I nfiltrate rival organizations to gather intelligence or sabotage their operations. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where your agents are discovered and removed, costing the guild 2 additional Favor.  

Evidence Tampering

Repeatable: No
Cost: 1 Manpower, 3 Intel
Effect: Gain 1 Manpower and 2 Favor
Check: Clandestine DC 16

Tamper with or destroy evidence to protect the guild and its allies from legal consequences.  

Scalp Talent

Repeatable: No
Cost: 1 Manpower, 1 Intel, 1 Favor
Effect: Gain 1 Manpower
Check: Diplomatic DC 16

Identify and recruit skilled individuals from other guilds to strengthen the guild's ranks and capabilities.  

Smear Campaign

Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 4 Manpower, 2k Gold
Effect: Gain 2d6k Gold and 2d6+2 Favor
Check: Diplomatic DC 12+

When an individual or organization wants to weaken the position of a rival or competitor, they can contract the guild to run a campaign to discredit them. Scandals are fabricated and rumors distributed, weakening the target and earning the favor (and coin) of the hiring entities. The base DC is 12 and increases by 2 for each smear campaign already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more reveals the guild's role in the campaign, increasing the DC of further attempts this cycle by an additional 2.

Augment: Intel may be spent to increase the believability of the campaign, increasing it effectiveness. For each Intel spent, gain an additional 1d6k Gold or 1d6 Favor on a success. A maximum of 2d6k Gold and 2d6 Favor can be added to each use of this action, for a maximum of 4 Intel spent.  

Charitable Events

Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 2 Manpower, 4k Gold
Effect: Gain 4d6 Favor
Check: Diplomatic DC 12

Organize and host charitable events to improve the guild's public image and forge connections with influential individuals.

Augment: The guild can use the opportunity to siphon gold from the event to refill their coffers, adding 2d4k Gold to a success. This must be chosen before the check, and results in a loss of 1d6 favor if the check then fails.  

Protection Racket

Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 2 Manpower
Effect: Gain 2d6k Gold
Check: Aggressive DC 12+

Offer "protection" services to local businesses, collecting fees in exchange for protection from harm. The base DC is 12 and increases by 2 for each protection racket already attempted this cycle.  

Loan Sharking

Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 3 Manpower, 4k Gold
Effect: Gain 4d6k Gold and 1d6 Favor
Check: Aggressive DC 12+

Offer high-interest loans to desperate individuals, using intimidation and force to ensure repayment, whether in money or favors. The base DC is 12 and increases by 2 for each loan sharking action already attempted this cycle.  


Repeatable: 3 per cycle
Cost: 4 Manpower
Effect: Gain 2d6k Gold and 1d6+1 Intel
Check: Aggressive DC 12

Use threats and intimidation to extort large sums of money and sensitive information from targets.  

Level 3 Actions

Underground Gambling Ring

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 6 Manpower, 5k Gold, 5 Favor
Effect: Gain 4d20+4k Gold
Check: Strategic DC 16+

Organize and manage illegal betting activities in the city's underbelly, providing popular diversions and a steady flow of gold. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each underground gambling ring action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where members organizing the event are caught and arrested. The guild will have 2 less manpower next cycle unless they pay 3k Gold or 3 Favor.  

Forgery Services

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 6 Manpower, 5k Gold, 5 Intel
Effect: Gain 10d6+20 Favor
Check: Strategic DC 16+

Offer the services of specialized artists and scribes who can create false official documents for those in need. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each forgery services action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, costing 5 favor from the would-be clients unless the guild pays 5k Gold in compensation.  

Rival Reconnaissance

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 7 Manpower
Effect: Gain 4d12+4 Intel
Check: Strategic DC 16+

Guild members are dispatched to observe and gather information on competing organizations, helping to anticipate their actions and undermine their plans. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each rival reconnaissance action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where your agents are discovered and fed false intelligence, costing the guild 5 Intel.  


Repeatable: No
Cost: 10 Manpower, 10k Gold, 10 Intel, and 10 Favor
Effect: Gain 20d6+40k Gold
Check: Clandestine DC 16

An organized, large scale operation involving the theft of valuable goods from a secured location requiring detailed planning, stealth, and a skilled team of thieves. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where members of the team are caught and arrested. The guild will have 4 less manpower next cycle unless they pay 6k Gold or 6 Favor.  

Counterfeit Operation

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 5 Manpower, 5k Gold, 5 Intel
Effect: Gain 10d6+10k Gold
Check: Clandestine DC 16+

Run a clandestine operation creating and distributing counterfeit currency, undermining local economies and increasing the guild's own wealth. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each counterfeit operation action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where the guild's activities are discovered by city authorities. The guild loses 5 Favor.  

High Class Infiltration

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 5 Manpower, 5 Favor
Effect: Gain 4d10 Intel
Check: Clandestine DC 16+

Guild operatives insert themselves into the lives of the rich and powerful, gaining access to secrets normally beyond their reach. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each high class infiltration action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where the agents' true nature is outed. The guild loses 5 Favor.  

Establish Secret Tunnel Network

Repeatable: No
Cost: 10 Manpower, 10k Gold
Effect: Create or Upgrade Tunnel Network
Check: Clandestine DC 16

The guild constructs and maintains a hidden network of tunnels beneath the city, allowing them to more easily move goods and people without detection. Gain a rank 1 Tunnel Network. If you already have a Tunnel Network, increase its rank by 1, to a maximum of your guild level. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where the the tunnel partially collapses. Lose 1 rank of Tunnel Network.   A tunnel network reduces the likelihood of a critical failure from all actions, and can be used to increase the odds of success of one or more actions. For each rank of the Tunnel Network, the amount you must fail by to result in a critical failure increases by 1 for all actions. Additionally, once per cycle you can increase the bonus for a Clandestine DC check by 2 for each rank of the Tunnel Network. Once the Tunnel Network reaches rank 5, you can apply this bonus to two actions per cycle, and then to three per cycle at rank 10. This bonus must be applied before the action is rolled.  

Diplomatic Negotiations

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 6 Manpower, 5 Intel, 5 Favor
Effect: Gain 1d100+10 Favor
Check: Diplomatic DC 16+

Representatives from the guild engage in careful negotiations with political figures, securing rights and permissions that benefit the guild's operations. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each diplomatic negotiations action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where negotiations go south, leading to worsening relations with the guild. The guild loses 5 Favor.  

Political Lobbying

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 5 Manpower, 5k Gold
Effect: Gain 12d6 Favor
Check: Diplomatic DC 16+

The guild uses its resources to sway political opinion in its favor behind the scenes, often through intermediaries. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each political lobbying action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where news of the guild's role is publicized, sparking a political backlash. The guild loses 5 Favor.  

Offer Asylum

Repeatable: No
Cost: 5 Manpower, 5 Intel
Effect: Gain 1 Exile token
Check: Diplomatic DC 16

Offer protection and sanctuary to political dissidents and criminals, giving them refuge in exchange for valuable information, while retaining them as potential bargaining chips in the future. Gain 1 Exile Token to represent the individual in your care. At the end of each cycle, the guild must spend 1 Favor and 1k Gold for each Exile Token in their possession or lose that token. The guild then gains 2 Intel for each remaining token. An Exile Token can be traded in at any point during a cycle to gain a Favor Token, allowing any single skill check to be re-rolled. The guild cannot have more Exile Tokens than its Guild Level.  

Disinformation Campaign

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 7 Manpower, 5k Gold, 5 Intel, 5 Favor
Effect: Gain 12d6+20k Gold
Check: Diplomatic DC 16+

For a fee, the guild leverages its network of informants and operatives to spread carefully crafted misinformation designed to misdirect, confuse, or undermine targeted individuals or organizations on behalf of their clients. This can involve a myriad of methods, from spreading rumors in taverns to planting false evidence, all to achieve the desired effect. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each disinformation campaign action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where the truth of the campaign is revealed, angering both the customers and targets of the action. The guild loses 10 Favor.  

Form Mercenary Outfit

Repeatable: No
Cost: 5 Manpower and 5k Gold
Effect: Gain a unit
Check: None

The guild splinters off some of its members to form a combat unit, able to further the goals of the guild or it's customers with violence. The manpower spent on this ability is permanently removed from the guild and used to create a unit of irregular infantry. Rules for this to come.  

Debt Collection

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 5 Manpower, 5 Favor
Effect: Gain 8d6k Gold or 4d8 Intel
Check: Aggressive DC 16+

Enforcers call in favors owed by those indebted to the guild, taking payment in the form of gold or information. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each debt collection action already attempted this cycle.  

Kidnapping and Ransom

Repeatable: 2 per cycle
Cost: 7 Manpower, 5 Intel, 5 Favor
Effect: Gain 10d6+20k Gold
Check: Aggressive DC 16+

The guild kidnaps valuable targets and demands ransom for their safe return, a risky but potentially highly profitable venture. The base DC is 16 and increases by 4 for each kidnapping and ransom action already attempted this cycle. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where the target escapes and outs their assailants. The guild will have 2 less manpower next cycle unless they pay 3k Gold or 3 Favor.  


Repeatable: No
Cost: 10 Manpower, 10k Gold, 10 Intel, 10 Favor
Effect: Gain 12d6+20k Gold and 12d6+20 Favor
Check: Aggressive DC 16

A large scale operation involving either taking down or severely impairing another organization at the behest of rich and powerful clients. Failure by 5 or more results in a critical failure, where guild members are caught in the act and arrested. The guild will have 4 less manpower next cycle unless they pay 6k Gold or 6 Favor.  


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