Tidal Trickster

Tidal tricksters roam the seas, using their skillful mastery of the currents to move across aquatic battlefields and throw their enemies off-balance.

Wisdom of the Waves (Ex)

A tidal trickster gains a swim speed equal to their unmodified base land speed (or increases their swim speed by 10 feet, if they have a racial swim speed). Instead of the +8 bonus granted by a swim speed, they gain a Racial bonus on Swim checks equal to 4 + half their rogue level (if they have a racial swim speed, they use the better bonus). They gain a bonus on Bluff checks equal to half their rogue level. At 3rd level, they gain a +1 bonus on Will saves whenever they are underwater; this bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter.
  This ability replaces trapfinding and trap sense.

Liquid Disruption (Ex)

At 4th level, a tidal trickster can use their knowledge of the cohesion of liquids to disrupt certain foes. They can deal sneak attack damage to oozes and creatures with the water subtype that are normally immune to precision damage (such as water elementals), and they ignore a hydrokineticist’s chance to negate precision damage from elemental overflow.
  This ability alters sneak attack and replaces uncanny dodge and the 4th-level rogue talent.

Tidal Distortion (Ex)

At 8th level, while making a Full Attack underwater, a tidal trickster can give up one attack to create a tidal distortion. When they create a tidal distortion, the tidal trickster moves up to 10 feet. If any part of their movement includes a square adjacent to one or more foes, they can choose one of those foes and attempt a Bluff check with a DC of 11 + either the enemy’s Sense Motive or Swim modifier, whichever is higher. Their Bluff check is subject to any penalties the attack roll they sacrificed would have taken, and if they trade an iterative attack gained from having a high base attack bonus, they also take a penalty based on that attack’s lower base attack bonus (a –5 penalty for the second iterative attack, a –10 penalty for the third iterative attack, and a –15 penalty for the fourth iterative attack, if they manage to gain one). If they succeed at the Bluff check, the movement doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity from that foe and the foe becomes off-balance until its next turn. A tidal trickster can give up any number of their attacks in a given Full Attack to create tidal distortions, but they can’t give up two consecutive attacks.
  This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge and the 8th-level rogue talent.

Parent Class



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