Tor Dorthanolin

The last of the great Elven empires, stepping into Tor Dorthanolin is in many ways like stepping into the past. Unlike the Alternum City States, whose immense age is immediately apparent to any who travel there, Tor Dorthanolin exudes a youth and vibrancy that belies its vast history. It was the only elven nation to survive the Crown Wars, and the scars of that age still weigh heavily upon its people. They are one of the most reclusive nations in Astora, with the exclusion of its maritime trade, which it participates in prolifically. Wood from the trees of Nor Imeara Taure have built fleets and cities throughout the continent, and the volume of imports into Tor Dorthanolin are second only to the port of Stormhaven in the north. Despite the flow of goods, people are not so welcome in their lands, and few can claim the privilege of having been invited within their borders. Emigrations from Tor Dorthanolin, while rare, are not unheard of, though only a small fraction of the elves encountered outside their borders have ever called Tor Dorthanolin home.


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