Totem Spirit

You are mystically tied to your tribe's sacred totem.


Member of a Shoanti tribe.


The benefit granted by this feat depends on which Shoanti tribe you belong to: Lyrune-Quah (Moon Clan): You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves and a +2 bonus on Perception checks. Shadde-Quah (Axe Clan): If you have the rage ability, you can rage for 3 additional rounds per day. You also gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks. Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan): You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Ride checks. Shundar-Quah (Spire Clan): You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves and a +2 bonus on Perception checks. Sklar-Quah (Sun Clan): You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex Saves and a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks. Skoan-Quah (Skull Clan): You gain a +2 bonus on weapon damage against undead and a +2 bonus on Heal checks. Tamiir-Quah (Wind Clan): Your base land speed increases by 5 feet. You also gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.

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