Two-headed Troll

The most discernible feature of this massive brute is its two heads. Its hide is mottled green-gray and covered in coarse, dark hair. Each head is identical: red eyes, drooping nose, and yellow fangs. Its arms and legs end in razor-sharpened claws.

Two-headed Troll (CR 7)

Large Humanoid (Giant)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Initiative: +0
Senses: Darkvision 90 feet, Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +18
  Speed: 30 feet
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+7 natural, -1 size)
Hit Points: 95 (10d8+40 plus 10) Fast Healing 1
Saving Throws: Fort +11, Ref +3, Will +5


Melee: longsword +12/+7 (2d6+6), longsword +12/+7 (2d6+6), 2 bites +7 (1d8+3) or 2 claws +12 (1d6+6 ), 2 bites +12 (1d8+6)
Reach: 10 feet
  Special Attacks: Rend (2 claws, 1d6+9), superior two-weapon fighting


22 (+6) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
Base Attack Bonus: +7
CMB +14
CMD 24
  Feats: Cleave, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
  Skills: Perception +18 Languages: Giant

Special Abilities

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex)

A two-headed troll fights with a weapon in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls an arm, the two-headed troll does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for attacking with two weapons.


Environment: Underground
Organization: solitary, gang (2-4), or warband (1-2 twoheaded trolls plus 2-4 trolls)
Treasure: standard

  The two-headed troll is thought to be the hideous offspring of an ettin and female troll. Sages contend that no other explanation is possible concerning this monster. Two-headed trolls prefer to make their lairs underground and away from civilization. Although believed to be the offspring of an ettin and troll, they do not associate with the former, but are often found leading the latter during raids or wars.
  A two-headed troll stands about 10 feet tall and weighs about 2,000 pounds. Its hide is mottled green or gray, and its facial features resemble that of a standard troll. Two-headed trolls typically dress in rags or tattered clothes or even battered and rusted armor on occasion. Their legs end in three-toed feet, and their powerful arms end in sharpened claws. The two-headed troll has the slow moving gait of the normal troll, but does not walk hunched over.
  Two-headed trolls attack with two claws and two bites, though on occasion they have been known to wield longswords or clubs.
  Two-Headed Troll Characters
  Two-headed troll characters possess the following racial traits. +12 Strength, +8 Constitution, -2 Intelligence (minimum 3), -4 Charisma. Large size: -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack rolls, -4 penalty on Stealth checks, +1 bonus on CMB and CMD checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium characters. Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet. Darkvision: Two-headed trolls can see in the dark out to 90 feet. Low-light vision: Two-headed trolls can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. Scent: Two-headed trolls can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell.
  Racial Hit Dice: A two-headed troll begins with ten levels of humanoid, which provide 10d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +7, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +7, Ref +3, and Will +3.
  Racial Skills: A two-headed troll's humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 10 x (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). A two-headed troll's two heads give it a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
  Racial Feats: A two-headed troll's humanoid levels give it five feats. AC: +7 natural armor bonus.
  Natural Weapons: Two-headed trolls fight with 2 claws (1d6) and 2 bites (1d8).
  Special Attacks: Rend, superior two-weapon fighting (see above).
  Special Qualities: fast healing 1.
  Languages: Two-headed trolls begin play speaking Giant. Two-headed trolls with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Common, Orc.
  The Two-Headed Troll originally appeared in the First Edition Fiend Folio (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1981) and is used by permission.
  Copyright Notice
  Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Oliver Charles MacDonald.


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