
The creature looks like an ashen-skinned homely giant dressed in ragged animal hides. It has three heads, three arms, and three legs. Its mouths are filled with broken and rotten teeth.

Ubue (CR 2)

Large Humanoid (Giant)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Initiative: -1
Senses: Low-Light Vision; Perception +8
  Speed: 20 feet (30 feet base)
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, -1 Dex, +6 natural, -1 size)
Hit Points: 19 (3d8+6)
Saving Throws: Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +1
All-Around Vision
Immunity: flanks
Weaknesses: multiple personalities


Melee: 3 clubs +5 (1d8+3) or 3 slams +4 (1d6+3)
Reach: 10 feet
Ranged: 3 clubs +1 (1d6+3)
  Special Attacks: superior multiweapon fighting


16 (+3) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +2
CMB +6
CMD 15
  Feats: Weapon Focus (Club)
  Skills: Climb +7, Intimidate +5, Perception +8 Languages: Giant

Special Abilities

Multiple Personalities (Ex)

The three heads of an ubue rarely get along with each other. Due to this division of personalities, there is a 15% chance in any given situation (usually once per encounter) that the heads get into an argument. An ubue engaged in an argument with itself takes a -2 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, Reflex saves, and to AC for the duration of the encounter, or until they can reach some sort of accord. In a non-combat situation, an opponent can coerce an ubue into a self-argument by making a Charisma check opposed by the ubue's Wisdom check. If the ubue wins the opposed check, the character cannot attempt to coerce that ubue again for one day.

Superior Multiweapon Fighting (Ex)

An ubue fights with a club in each of its three hands. Because each of its three heads controls an arm, the ubue does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for attacking with three weapons.


Environment: Temperate Hills or Mountains
Organization: solitary or clan (3-30)
Treasure: standard

  Ubues are a bizarre race that is among the rarest of intelligent races. They are so rare, in fact, that most people believe their existence to be only legend. At first sight, many adventurers assume that ubues are a race of three-headed ettins or trolls. Adventurers who have actually seen these strange creatures claim that the middle head of an ubue is a different sex from the other two. This is not true, however, and is in fact merely a side effect of the bizarre biology of these creatures. Ubues are very primitive and clothe themselves in unfinished animal hides, weave bones and sticks into their hair, and utilize only the crudest of tools and weapons. Ubues attack with savage brutality as if in an animalistic rage.
  Ubue Society
  Ubues have a very primitive social system: simply put, the strongest male of any ubue tribe is the leader. Any adult male ubue has the right to challenge the tribal leader in a non-lethal ritual combat-usually a wrestling match or other test of strength. If the challenger loses, he is banished from the tribe for a period of one full year. His immediate family is also banished with him: ubues cannot tolerate weakness. Should the leader be deposed, he becomes an elder of the tribe and acts as an advisor to the new leader. Female ubues usually give birth to only a single child. If twins are born to an ubue couple, this is seen as an ill omen: thus, one child is slain by the tribal shaman as a sacrifice to their god. The shaman casts bones or sticks to determine which child is to be the sacrifice. Because ubue society is strongly male-dominated, if one twin is male and the other female, it will always be the female child that is sacrificed.
  Ubue Characters
  Ubues are simple thinkers, and prefer simple choices when advancing in a class, particularly favoring the barbarian and fighter classes. All ubues have the following racial traits.
  +6 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma: Ubues are sturdy and powerful creatures.
  Large Size: -1 penalty to AC, -1 penalty to attack rolls, -4 penalty on Stealth checks, +1 bonus on CMB and CMD, lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium creatures.
  Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
  Low-Light Vision: Ubues can see twice as far as humans in dimly lit conditions.
  All-Around Vision: Because each head thinks independently, ubues can see in all directions, and can't be flanked.
  Racial Hit Dice: An ubue begins with three levels of humanoid, which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +1, and Will +1.
  Racial Skills: An ubue's humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 3 x (2 + Int modifier).
  Racial Feats: An ubue's humanoid levels give it two feats.
  AC: +6 natural armor bonus.
  Natural Weapons: Ubues can fight with slam attacks that deal lethal damage (1d6).
  Special Attacks: Superior multiweapon fighting (see above).
  Special Qualities: Multiple personalities (see above).
  Weapon Familiarity: Ubues are proficient with simple weapons.
  Armor Familiarity: Ubues are proficient with light and medium armor and with shields (except tower shields).
  Languages: Ubues begin play speaking Giant. If an ubue has an Intelligence of at least 10 it also knows Common. Ubues with high intelligence can choose from among the following bonus languages: Aklo, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc, Undercommon.
  The Ubue originally appeared in the First Edition module B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1981) and is used by permission.
  Copyright Notice
  Authors Scott


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