
Ruled modern day Reinestad for some time. The Untheric pantheon, still physically present on the material plane, was heavily involved, establishing a nearly direct rule of their people. Some of the arcane orders of Unther rebelled against their God-Kings, uncovering some of the Imaskari secrets of portals and opening one seeking allies against their oppressors. They unknowingly opened a portal to a world of fanatically religious orcs, who flooded through and waged war on the kingdom. The orcs brought their pantheon of deities with them, and together seemed poised to take all of Astora. Mulhorand allied with Unther and together they waged war on the orcs, eventually winning a pyrrhic victory. Most of the Untheric pantheon lay dead, along with several Mulhorandi gods, but the orcs were scattered, their gods in flight to the outer planes, and the portal closed. Enlil, patriarch of the Untheric pantheon, abdicated his throne and left the realm, leaving his son Gilgeam as sole remaining deity and God King of Unther.


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