Vapor Subtype

Vapor creatures are thought to be native to a plane other than the Material, though sages cannot find any evidence to support such claims. Vapor creatures are indiscernible from their normal counterparts and are often mistaken for such creatures. These creatures are highly intelligent (compared to the normal creatures they resemble) and their cunning and wits often show themselves in battle or interaction with other creatures. all vapor creatures have certain traits in common:
  • Cold Susceptibility (Ex): A cold-based effect or attack freezes the vapor creature’s form causing it to function as if affected by a Slow spell. The effects last for 3 rounds. This only affects a vapor creature in vapor form.
  • Death Throes (Ex): When a vapor creature is slain, its body bursts and releases a nauseating cloud of grayish-green vapor that fills a 10- foot radius. This acts as a Stinking Cloud spell (caster level 5th). Affected creatures must make a successful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 the vapor creature’s HD + the vapor creature’s Constitution modifier) or be Nauseated as long as they remain within the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after they leave. A creature that makes its save but remains in the cloud must continue to save each round.
  • Fast Healing (Ex): A vapor creature has Fast Healing, healing 2 points of damage per round so long as it has at least 1 hit point and is touching a body of water or if in a body of mist, smoke, steam, or fog.
  • Vaporous Form (Su): As a Free Action, a vapor creature can assume a Gaseous Form for up to one hour each day. The time does not need to be continuous, so long as the vapor creature doesn’t exceed the one hour per day limit. This ability is otherwise identical to the Gaseous Form spell (caster level 5th).
  • Skills: Vapor creatures have a +8 Racial bonus on Stealth checks in areas of smoke, fog, mist, or vapor.



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