Vengeful Hunter

Like a bounty hunter following their own rules, a vengeful hunter tracks down elusive prey using their wits and delivers long-overdue retribution while easily ignoring their own injuries thanks to the joy they receive from a job well done.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A vengeful hunter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, plus the whip. In addition, the hunter is proficient with light and medium armor as well as shields (except tower shields).
  This replaces the normal fighter armor and weapon proficiencies.
  Class Skills: A vengeful hunter gains Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Perception as class skills and loses Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Knowledge (engineering) as class skills.

Tenacious Tracker (Ex)

At 2nd level, a vengeful hunter gains a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information and on Survival checks made to identify or follow tracks. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the vengeful hunter possesses beyond 2nd.
  This ability replaces bravery.

Vengeance (Ex)

At 5th level, a vengeful hunter deals 1d4 points of bleed damage when they damage a creature that has damaged them since the beginning of their last turn. Whenever a creature takes bleed damage from this effect, they also take a –1 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 round. This penalty is a pain effect and does not stack with the effects of the Sickened condition. This bleed damage increases to 1d6 at 9th level, 1d8 at 13th level, and 2d6 at 17th level.
  This ability replaces weapon training 1.

Savor the Sting (Ex)

At 9th level, whenever a target takes bleed damage from a vengeful hunter’s vengeance ability, the vengeful hunter gains an equal number of temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute and do not stack with each other.
  This ability replaces weapon training 2.

Swift Revenge (Ex)

At 13th level, a vengeful hunter gains the quarry class feature; this functions like the ranger ability of the same name, but the target must be one that has damaged the vengeful hunter in the past hour.
  This ability replaces weapon training 3.

Perceived Wrongs (Ex)

At 17th level, a vengeful hunter can, once per day, use their vengeance ability against any creature—even one that has not harmed them. If the target is also one that has damaged them since the beginning of their last turn, the bleed damage increases to 3d6 and the target is Sickened for as long as the bleed effect continues.
  This ability replaces weapon training 4.

Certain Revenge (Ex)

At 20th level, a vengeful hunter gains the improved quarry class feature; this functions like the ranger ability of the same name, but the target must have attacked them in the past day. Whenever they use their vengeance ability against their quarry, the bleed damage increases by 2 per bleed damage die.
  This ability replaces weapon mastery.

Parent Class



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