War of the Shadow Lord

Darkness came upon the hinterlands with the first frost of winter, pouring out of the mountains without warning. By the time the dark lord made her presence known, she already possessed a force beyond reckoning for militia and townsfolk she now faced, for she had feasted upon the denizens of the mountains and brought with her legions of the dead led by those she had enthralled.   Arkenfel was the first to fall, already a ruined shadow of what it once was. As her armies spread forth, death and shadow followed. Drennheim saw first the threat she posed, not just to the hinterlands but to the surrounding nations as well. None knew the extent of her ambitions, and all feared the day her darkness would cast its shadow upon their lands. Rather than wait for war to come upon them, it was decided to take the fight to her, and banish the darkness before it could further spread.   The Grand Legion of Allied Nations was formed, the largest force of arms the west has seen this age. Bravely forth did they march, from the north and south, full of glorious purpose. They met little resistance, pressing into the heart of the valley until they united under one banner and sought after their quarry. Little is known of the details of their fate, save that it ended in death and darkness.   It was mere weeks until the Grand Legion returned, serving a new master in death, and seeking to depose those that led them in life. In desperation, the four nations offered a king’s bounty, and independent rule of all the hinterlands to any who could destroy the dark lord and banish the shadow she cast upon the land before it engulfed them all.   This move proved to be the winning stroke, as bands of powerful adventurers came seeking fame and fortune. They cut deep into the ranks of undead, offering little to replenish it. Under siege, the spread of darkness slowed, and then stopped. In time, Ordo Balera arrived to claim their prize, Making their way to the heart of evil, striking down the dark lord and bringing a new dawn upon their new kingdom.


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