Wasteland Blighter

The deleterious effects of the weird hazards of the Mana Wastes require special skill to remedy. Many wasteland blighters are also chirurgeons.

Healing Infusion (Sp, Su)

At 2nd level, the blighter can prepare extracts of the healing subschool as if they had the infusion discovery and can choose to render any such extracts inert and prepare other extracts to replace them (unlike infusions, which continue to occupy the alchemist’s daily extract slots until consumed or used). If the blighter has the infusion discovery, or if they are also a chirurgeon, they can use touch injection as a spell-like ability once per day as a Standard Action, but only to absorb an infusion of the healing subschool.
  This ability replaces poison resistance +2.

Swift Healing Infusions ()

At 6th level, the blighter can absorb an infusion of the healing subschool as if with touch injection as a Standard Action an unlimited number of times per day. While they have a healing extract absorbed in this fashion, they can deliver it as a Swift Action.
  This ability replaces swift poisoning.

Banish Blights (Su)

At 8th level, a blighter can end any effect affecting a creature that could be reversed by break enchantment. To do so, the affected creature must imbibe one of the blighter’s infused extracts of the healing subschool of at least 3rd level. The blighter must then attempt a caster level check as described in break enchantment. If the blighter succeeds at the check, the creature is free of the spell, curse, or effect. The blighter can also use this ability to attempt to dispel primal magic events affecting a creature or an area. To do so, the affected creature must imbibe an infused extract as described above, and the blighter must attempt a caster level check against a DC equal to 11 + the primal magic event’s CR. If they succeed at the check, the primal magic event ends as if the blighter had successfully used dispel magic. If the blighter attempts to dispel a primal magic event affecting an area, as a Standard Action, they must dump an infused extract of the healing subschool of at least 3rd level onto an affected square. They then must attempt a caster level check against a DC equal to 11 + the primal magic event’s CR. If they succeed at the check, the primal magic event ends as if the blighter had successfully used dispel magic.
  This ability replaces poison resistance +6 and the discovery gained at 8th level.
  Discoveries: The following discoveries complement the wasteland blighter archetype: dispelling bomb, elixir of life, healing bomb, healing touch, infusion, spontaneous healing.

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