Wyrm's Breath Bitter

Alchemical Remedy
Price: 30 gp
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 21


This green-tinged brew has a pungent, bitter bite. It’s flavored with a variety of foulsmelling herbs and is intensely carbonated through a unique fermentation process. Sometimes given to visitors as a prank, wyrm’s breath bitter causes the drinker to become Sickened for 1d6 minutes (Fortitude DC 12 negates Dwarves gain a +5 Racial bonus on this saving throw. After drinking a dose of wyrm’s breath bitter, the drinker can, as a Move Action, unleash a thunderous and noxious belch in either a 5-foot-radius spread or a 10-foot cone. Creatures in the area are Deafened and Sickened for 1 round (Fortitude DC 12 negates). The drinker must wait 1d4 rounds before belching again, but can belch as often as desired for up to 10 minutes after drinking a wyrm’s breath bitter.


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