
Astora is a world rich in magic, even if it is not nearly so rich as it once was, and as such there are thousands of spells that have been developed over the millenia. Many of these spells are commonly known, and are used by practitioners of the various spellcasting arts regularly. Many more have been lost to time, their techniques relegated to scrolls in long forgotten ruins, or tomes in collections of rare books jelously hoarded by those who gather them. Some have even been marked as forbidden, practiced only by the few willing to risk the wrath of authorities who hunt down those who do so.   Spells on this site are divided into two categories: Core and Extended. All of these spells are used in the same way and follow the same rules for casting. Where they diverge is how they are obtained, with core spells being available to all automatically, and extended spells sometimes requiring more effort. See Learning New Spells for more information on how to obtain spells from the different lists for each class.  

Core Spells

Core spells are the spells commonly used throughout Astora. They are well researched, well known, and prolific in shops, arcane academies, and spellbooks everywhere. Whenever a character gains access to a new spell of their choice (typically through leveling up) they can select any core spell automatically, with no DM approval or extra effort. Links to the core spell list for each spellcasting class is provided below:  

Extended Spell Lists

Spells on these lists include the core spells above, as well as many other spells that exist or have existed across Astora. These extended spells (marked with an *Asterisk on the list) require DM approval before being selected. Some of these spells will be readily available, some may require extra research or exploration to obtain, and some may need to be reinvented by the player through Spell Research. If there is a spell on the extended list you would like to obtain, bring it up with the DM to find out what you need to do to get it. Having this conversation earlier rather than later is quite beneficial, and can allow you to get a jump on any requirements and be ready to get the spell as soon as you are eligible for it. Links to the extended spell list for each spellcasting class is provided below:  


The collective body of knowledge of spellcasting in Astora is a dynamic entity, growing (and shrinking) over time as new spells are created, ancient spells previously lost to time are rediscovered, and knowledge is lost to the ravages of time, war, and destruction. A spellcaster who sees an empty niche to be filled, wants to put their own custom spin on an existing spell, or hears stories of fantastical magic from some other universe has the unique opportunity to add to the collective body of known spells through their own spell research and creation. the process of doing so is detailed in the Spell Research article. Once a new spell has been created, it will be added to the extended spell lists as their own mark that they have left on this world.


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