Summer Fortress

“In the heart of the land of Summer, protected from the violence of the sun’s warmth stands the Summer Fortress. The Keep is a dark and dangerous place. Are you sure you want to go there?”
— guide to Odhran

The castle’s keep, the home of Queen Trillia, rises ominously amidst the sandy landscape at the southwestern edge of the Western continent. It is a sanctuary, a place of refuge against the world’s chaos and strife. The keep is a marvel of architecture, designed with both beauty and fortification in mind. Its walls, thick and impenetrable, are adorned with intricate carvings that tell tales of the realm’s history and the valor of its people.


The entrance to the keep is guarded by the Queen’s Guard, a cadre of specially trained Draska warriors. These guardians, with their Spirit Swords at the ready, stand as sentinels, their presence a silent promise of protection. Their eyes, ever watchful, scan for any sign of threat, their loyalty to Queen Trillia unwavering.


Inside, the keep is a cool haven of shadows. The halls are lined with thick tapestries that cover the windows, blocking out the Light and casting the interior in a perpetual twilight. Torchlight flickers along the stone walls, creating a dance of Shadows that seem to whisper secrets.


Each room is a testament to the queen’s desire for control and power, filled with dark, opulent furnishings that praise her reign.


Queen Trillia’s chambers are at the heart of the keep, a sanctuary within a sanctuary. Here, the walls are lined with mirrors, each one reflecting the queen’s image back at her, a constant reminder of her own power and beauty. A large window, heavily draped, overlooks the gardens below, offering a view of the land she rules with an iron fist.


The room is filled with the scent of incense, heavy and intoxicating, creating an atmosphere of mystery and allure. It is a place of reflection, where the queen can plot and scheme in peace.

“The keep is more than just a home,” Queen Trillia once said, her voice soft yet resolute. “It is a symbol of our resilience, a beacon of hope in times of darkness.”

The keep’s design ensures that it is a refuge against the world. Its thick walls and strategic location make it nearly impregnable, while its interior offers a sense of peace and security.


The gardens surrounding the keep are lush and vibrant, a testament to the land’s fertility and the queen’s nurturing spirit. Paths wind through the greenery, leading to hidden alcoves where one can sit and practice the new Draska arts.


In the Summer Fortress, the world outside may rage and roar, but within the keep’s walls, there is only hard-won peace.


Trillia discourages tourism by any other than the Draska. Newly discovered Draska children are welcome to visit and welcomed with warmth, love, and celebration.


Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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