The Last Radiance

Mountains will crumble. Seas will boil. The sky will be torn asunder.
— Blythe - Myths of Aubadeon

Amid the stories of Aubadeon, there exists a myth whispered in hushed tones, a tale of the world’s end and its rebirth. Known as The Last Radiance, this myth, shrouded in sorrow and longing, speaks of a time yet to come, when the entire world will face its ultimate fate. The myth foretells a final, cataclysmic battle where Light will rise, driving Darkness from every corner of the world. This victory, however, comes at a great cost.

“From the ashes, we shall rise,” the elders would say, their voices heavy with the weight of prophecy.

The world, as it is known, will cease to exist, consumed by the purifying flames of Light. In this moment of utter destruction, there is a promise of rebirth. From the ashes of the old world, a new one will emerge, cleansed of Darkness and bathed in eternal Light.


This new world, born from the sacrifice of the old, will be a place of unparalleled beauty and harmony. The scars of the past will be erased, and the inhabitants of Aubadeon will live in peace, free from the shadows that once plagued their existence. Some fear this peace will be tinged with melancholy, for it comes at the cost of everything that once was. They fear the memories of the old world, with its joys and sorrows, will linger like ghosts, haunting the new dawn.


Others believe that all of the sorrows of the old will be swept away with the Shadows leaving only joy and Light eternal.

“In the light, we find our end and our beginning,” a lone wanderer mused, staring into the horizon where the sun met the sea.

The myth serves as a poignant reminder that even in victory, there is a price to be paid. It is a tale of love and loss, of the passage of time and the consequences of choices. It speaks to the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness, and the delicate balance that holds the world together.


As the myth is passed down through generations, it becomes a part of the very soul of Aubadeon. It is a story that resonates with the deepest fears and hopes of its people, a reflection of their own struggles and triumphs. And in the quiet moments, when the world seems still and the shadows lengthen, the myth of the world’s end and its rebirth serves as a reminder of the enduring power of Light, and the eternal cycle of destruction and renewal.

Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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Aug 10, 2024 03:14 by Paul

Great article! Definitely made me realize that I didn't even consider what would, could, or should happen after the end of my world.

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Aug 12, 2024 19:02 by Deleyna Marr

Thanks for reading! I'm glad it gave you some inspiration!

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