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Champion of the Great Sand Race (6x), "Uniter of Sands," "Chief of His People" (Informal)

Sunaret of Dark Sands (a.k.a. Suna)

Sunaret is a man of the desert in every sense of the word. He has been shaped by its harsh sun and course sand. However, the desert has refined him, not for the worse, but for the better. Sunaret understands this, and this is why he loves the desert. Sunaret has a special spiritual connection with the desert, and he feels a strong pull to it which he cannot explain. As such, he has made the desert his permanent home for the last 50 years.   Sunaret was born into a small sand-tribe on the eastern side of the Great Desert (otherwise known as the Si Wong Desert by outsiders). Being the most ancient part of the desert, the sand-tribe which Sunaret was born into had lived in desert-like conditions for generations. Their tribal customs were old and strong, and thus their kinship and brotherhood as a tribe was strong. This made Sunaret's tribe unusual, as most other tribes of the desert were not as old or set in their customs as Sunaret's. Sunaret came to recognize this fact very quickly as he began to travel the desert with his father on trading expeditions in his father's sand sailor.   One of the places Sunaret's father took him was to the Greater Sand Dunes where bi-annually the biggest tribes of the Great Desert gathered to settle the age old debate of who was the greatest sand-tribe. They did so with a ritualistic event - the Great Sand Race. During the Great Sand Race, every tribe presents their best Sand-Sailor to participate in hopes that their representative will bring home glory and bragging rights. When Sunaret saw his very first Great Sand Race at the age of 7, he was instantly mesmerized. From that day forward, Sunaret vowed to train to become the greatest Sand-Sailor of the desert.   And become the greatest Sand-Sailor of the desert he did. At just 17 years of age, Sunaret became the champion of the Great Sand Race, the youngest contestant to win which anyone could remember. He instantly became a desert-wide celebrity. Sunaret however did not stop his Sand-Sailing with just the Great Sand Race. Sunaret saw the popularity of Sand-Racing as a way to unite all the tribes of the desert, both big and small, under one common thing. Sunaret traveled all across the desert to visit every sand-tribe he could, bringing his Sand-Sailor with him wherever he went to teach young people how to Sand-Sail.   Sunaret would go on not only to win the next 5 Great Sand Races, but also be successful in his goal to unite the tribes under a common thing - Sand-Sailing. As such, Sunaret was given the highest formal title possible among all the Sand Tribes, "Uniter of Sands." However, as the years went by, and Sunaret stopped participating in the Great Sand Race, people in the desert began to forget about him. No one was able to step in and take on the role that Sunaret had relinquished. When this happened, many sand-tribes started to go back to their old ways of over-individualist thinking and began to isolate themselves from each other again.   Sunaret has since worked to rebuild his reputation among the sand-tribes in hopes to reunite his people. But, he is having trouble doing so, since he is seen as a part of the "old guard" of Sand-Benders. On top of this, the harsh conditions of the desert have caused many people Sunaret's age to die off or move out, leaving only the younger generations who are ignorant of Sunaret's efforts and even Sunaret himself. However, most outside the desert still know of him and his accomplishments. Outside the desert, Sunaret is often welcomed by his informal title he earned all those years ago, "Chief of His People," the people of the desert.

Physical Description

Body Features

Strong, Well Built

Facial Features

Rugged, Leathered Face. Dark eye line.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Great Sand Race record holder in most wins (6x), most consecutive wins (6x), youngest champion (age 17), and fastest time completed (38mins 12secs)



De-facto Chief of all Sand Tribes from 5925 - 5902 BG

Contacts & Relations

Sunaret is secretly affiliated with the Order of the White Lotus along with Huraal and Caedis.


Deep, Strong Voice



Friend (Important)

Towards Onar




Friend (Vital)

Towards Sunaret




Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Caedis




Familiar (Trivial)

Towards Sunaret




Enemy (Important)

Towards Sunaret




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Almutawe



Honorary & Occupational Titles
Uniter of Sands
Chief of his People (Informal)
Date of Birth
5,952 BG
Si Wong Desert
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Tanned (Arabian)
205 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The sands blow well today!"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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