Aenar Wheat Warehouse Building / Landmark in Aviron | World Anvil

Aenar Wheat Warehouse

All the Wheat on the west coast goes through the warehouses here in Aenar. This warehouse is nearly 10,000 square feet. This location handles all the transactions of Wheat Harvester's Consortium.


The warehouse employes 33 workers and most days it is running 10 hours a day. There are two foremen in this crew directing the work. Nathan and Vince.


The building is constructed of all pine. The roof is covered with slate tiles. A small front porch offers shelter from the weather. There are loading docks on the dock side and city side. The beams above are grayed with age. The building has 20 small windows which pains of leaded glass.


Gilbert Chase
Gilbert Chase is a human male, he is 5' 7" and 140 pounds. He is tan and has blue eyes.
I like to listen to stories of mystery and intrigue and I hate bad manners. I collect Rings.
I need to find my dream job.
Founding Date
9 October 3520
Warehouse / Granary
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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