Etruscans Chariot

This is a two wheel chariot.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

  • The Chariot allows the rider to ride safely, protecting them from harm. Giving a +2 bonus to defense while in the Vehicle.
  • The Chariot does not put any wear on the beast pulling it.
  • As an action a word can be spoken and a canopy will appear above the rider and protect them from the elements.
  • Manufacturing process

    The chariot was complicated in design and difficult to manufacture.

    Item type
    Creation Date
    19 September 3724
    Current Location
    Current Holder
    Raw materials & Components

    Wood is the main element used, since it combines strength and lightness. There are special types of wood for each part of the chariot. Strips of leather and various metals are also used.

    Aternate Reality Information


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