Shrine to Neriah - Aenar Building / Landmark in Aviron | World Anvil

Shrine to Neriah - Aenar

One of the few shrines to Neriah with a cleric.

This shrine has had clerics off and on over the years

Purpose / Function

Her order always gathers and shares intelligence. There is no glory in allowing an infiltration on someone else’s watch, as we all suffer the consequences.


The only entrance to the shrine is through a thick ornately-carved Tanis Cypress door which appear newly constructed. The entrance is illuminated by lanterns and shows a clean area to pray. To your right is a small area to pray. The area is lit by magical globes.

Founding Date
6 March 3567
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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  • Cover image: by Scott Stokes


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