The Maze Building / Landmark in Aviron | World Anvil

The Maze

The exterior of this building has a jutting wrought iron sign proudly displaying its name: The Maze. This establishment is open 24 hours a day and has a working relationship with the town guards and the local community to remain a relatively safe haven for its patrons.

The Inn is a shabby 3 story stone building with a basement. It is located in the merchant's district. Just above the sign is the city's emblem.

Atmosphere: The air is filled with the smell of freshly baked pie. The ambiance here is grubby. The inn is dimly lit only by sconces, and 7 ever glowing torches and a fire in the hearth. The clientèle of this establishment is rowdy. There is an ordinary looking two-handed sword with a mithril pommel and the blade is inlaid with small elvyn amethysts and it sits on the wall behind the bar.

  • The common room seats 21 patrons.
  • This inn has 13 rooms, 3 of which are vacant.
  • The prices are outrageous.
  • Sleeping in the common room Costs 4cc.
  • A private room costs 5cc.

  • Services
  • There are 6 persons on staff. The staff is fast, professional, and attentive
  • Bath and clean linen 2cc.
  • Livery is 1cc

  • Food
  • The crab cakes are 16sn
  • The roc Steaks are 28sn
  • The roast turkey is 6cc
  • The snake steaks are 8cc
  • The Oatcakes are 4cc
  • The salted pork is 4cc
  • The dragon steak is 54sn
  • The boiled eels are 6cc
  • The corned beef is 6cc
  • Today's side dish is Maca 4sn.
  • Extra's today are white grape 2sn.

  • Architecture

    On a small post is a sign which reads "". This establishment is open 24 hours a day and has a working relationship with the town guards and the local community to remain a relatively safe haven for its patrons.

    The building is built around a wooden frame, with cobblestone fill. The Almond Wood wood front porch wraps around both sides of the building. The upper story has been painted an orange color. Windows on the ground and upper floors are small and have unpainted shutters ready if needed.

    The main entrance is through a set of large and ornately carved Brown Teak double doors which appear newly constructed. The hallway has 6 high windows lining the walls of the hallway. There are chairs to sit and wait on either side. The front desk is located here. The front desk is a well-crafted piece of Myrtlewood furniture. Keys hang from little hooks near each of the room tags, with quite a number of keys missing.

    A large common room with 7 foot ceilings, a bar, and a well used hearth. Two large Basswood pillars support the ceiling, each seemingly carved from old and weathered trees that have grown through the floor. The bar of Acacia wood is on the along the far wall. There are booths going around the walls with smaller tables filling in the center. Against the short western wall on either side of the travertine (Usually a cream or reddish color) fireplace rest many wine casks, their tops facing the room and branded with labels in strange scripts.

    The large kitchen is laid out in a neat and orderly fashion so as to facilitate work. A tiny oven on the side of the fireplace seems far too small to produce the immense number of baked goods required for the inns meals. The kitchen counters are lined with preserves and spice bottles. Pot, kettles and tied herbs hang from the ceiling.

    The cellar is partially underground and the upper floor is built on the top of it, i.e. is slightly above the ground floor (about 1 meter). There is no source of light in this room. It is said that a prisoner lost his life in the cellar under the pub whilst trying to escape and that his ghost still haunts the cellars today!

    The western end of the common room has a flight of stairs going up. Two doors, (the ones at each end of the hall), bear brass plates with the words "Privy" instead of a number.

    The bathing room is big enough for one bather in a large wine barrel. A fireplace just outside the bathing room is used to heat the water and warm the second floor. A basalt(volcanic high heat threshold) shaft descends beneath the floor under each privy, allowing waste to fall directly down into the sewers below the cellar.

    The guest rooms are equipped with a double bed and a small table and chairs. All of the chambers are well lit by either a hooded brass lantern during the night, or by outside light during the day.

    The master suite is two rooms, the front half of each suite is furnished with a small table for dining as well as with several comfortable sitting chairs. The bedroom is separated from the rest of the room by a simple archway and contains four solid oak beds. A large table occupies one end of the room with four high-backed chairs.

    The owner's room is a single room with a double bed, a small desk at which the owner works on private ledgers and accounting. There is a shuttered window on one wall and a small, locked chest under the bed (it contains the family jewelry plus money).

    The small stable is located on the southern end of the building and has space for 6 horses. A ladder along the middle of one wall provides access to a ceiling trap door, which leads to the loft and attic storage areas.

    Founding Date
    20 June 3751
    Parent Location
    Characters in Location

    Juice and Wine
  • Cider is 4cc
  • Juice is 6cc
  • Wine is 3cc
  • Fine Wine is 4sn
  • A Bengal Harrows 82 year old Cabernet Blanc 16sn.
  • An Enchanted 192 year old Pinot Noir 8gc
  • Brews
  • Ale is 6cc
  • Beer is 4cc
  • Mead is 8cc
  • Rum is 4cc
  • Import: Pale Ale from Bengal Harrows 13sn
  • Cocktails
  • Yellow Gorilla cocktail 11sn This drink will really grab you!
  • Tonight's performance is a mixed group containing a mandolin, recorder, trombone, and a gong playing orc work songs.
  • There is a mongoose/snake fight is about to start.

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