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The Spyglasses of Centrum

A spyglass is great for taking a closer look. Take the time to enchant them and they can become a powerful tool indeed.
— Tannatar Leoren, Wizard of the Crystals
    Taking a closer look can be useful for identifying landmarks and assessing an opponent without needing to get too close. Spyglasses are often compact packages- usually a reasonably small collapsible tube so it is not a very burdensome thing to carry. As an expensive piece of equipment, they can also serve to symbolize wealth and prestige. The better the spyglass, the more affluent the person must be or so the current perception goes. The highest quality spyglasses that can be found are in the Free City of Centrum, a wealthy city located on Visus Island in the center of the Occulus Sea.


Spyglass City

  Centrum lies at the heart of the Quassus Continent sea trading network where sea captains of all sorts congregate. These captains are often in need of a spyglass for one reason or another. Some need to acquire a replacement for a spyglass that had been broken or was lost. Others seek to obtain a spyglass for the first time to be used in an adventure or to help cement their social status. Still others acquire various spyglasses to grow a collection. One can find persons of the motivations just listed throughout Centrum.   The merchants of Centrum are aware of this particular demand which explains the number of guilds dedicated to making spyglasses- about five in total. That is not to say that the citizens of Centrum have no desire to obtain a spyglass, many iwish to take a closer look at the many smaller islands dotted around Visus and even to sight the distant outline of shores that lie across the Occulus Sea. However, obtaining enough coin to purchase or commission even something basic can be time consuming.

Personal Spyglasses

  The most common variety of spyglass to be found in Centrum is the expected sort. The kind one can keep on their person to be quickly used at need or desire. The quality of these can range from crude constructions of dubious functionality to masterly crafted works. Perhaps not unexpected, the wealthier the merchant the bigger their personal spyglass.


  Across the city of Centrum are several stations featuring large binoculars affixed on top of walls or some other stable structure. One eventually tires of holding up a spyglass to their eye and not always with a steady hand, so having a larger and more stable construction allows for better viewing. These binoculars are, however, very expensive and rare devices made by a few skilled artificers.   The Centrum Guard utilizes a few binoculars to inspect people and goods as they enter and leave the harbor. In fact, it was the guard requesting such a device that led to its invention. Other users of this device include influential aristocrats who use it for their own ends.

Has it occurred to you that a spyglass can do more? Look at mine here, it can let me see a magic trap without having to go near it! I'm lucky that mage allowed for payment in installments.
— Fred Sandwalker, Dungeon Delver

Enchanted Spyglasses

  Special varieties of spyglasses can be imbued with magical traits. Some can be enchanted to see the stars at all times of day, or with a protective spell that allows only specific users to see through the glass. Others can be enchanted to see magical auras- a useful property for sighting Magic Fields or the early detection of a Magic Storm. The trouble with magically enchanted spyglasses is that they are rare and aren't usually sold. One must contract the services of a mage to have their spyglasses enchanted with the magical effect of their choice, and it is not cheap. The exact price is often negotiable.

High Costs

  While prices for spyglasses are cheaper in Centrum than elsewhere, it is generally agreed that one of good quality will cost around 22,500 Oculus coins, or about 900 Aurum coins (900gp). Most of this cost can be attributed to the time and difficulty of producing usable glass lenses.
  The fact that spyglasses are as prevalent as they are in Centrum is a testament to the wealth of the city, and the talent they have been able to acquire over the years.

The Mabara Spyglass

  They say that the Mabara family, the owners of the Mabara Guild, have a special spyglass in their possession. One of Ancient Order make. No one can say what enchantments it could be imbued with for it is a secret the Mabara family guard well.  

Note(s) from the Archivists

  I have three spyglasses, each one reaching further than the last. - Archivist Rena   I have seven, all small but useful. - Archivist Tharivol   I have twenty-five. - Archivist Savitri   Dare I ask why you need that many? - Archivist Tharivol   For reasons of my own. - Archivist Savitri

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