Bes Navy Sailor

The island chain that makes up the nation of Bes is home to the strongest navy in the world, and it's sailors are the backbone leading its mastery of the ocean. Sailor is the generic name for all navy personnel regardless of officer rank or specialization, up to and including the Commander of the Bes Navy. Every Bes citizen is required to demonstrate proficiency in the art of water manipulation by fifteen years of age and to join the navy for a minimum of five seasons upon reaching adulthood at age 25.



  1. Bes Citizenship
  2. Ability to swim
  3. Demonstrated proficiency in water manipulation
  The only exception to the above qualifications are the enviable/pitiable Bes Water Children, who live half of their civilian childhood aboard the ships until adulthood.



The collective responsibility of all sailors in the Bes Navy is, first and foremost, to protect the safety and commercial interests of Bes. The next highest responsibility of the Navy is to ensure the safety of the Planet of Kivria's oceans for people, but also ecologically. With such a large secondary purpose and a first purpose which rarely comes into play militarily, Bes sailors have the opportunity to travel to nearly all corners of Kivria's oceans and shores.

Social Status

Every single Bes citizen has been a Bes Navy Sailor at one point or another, regardless of social class. Therefore, to be a sailor in the navy is not considered especially noteworthy by Bes society unless you have done something to gain notoriety. Outside of Bes, your reception depends on how the locals feel about the navy's past or present interference in their lives.


The concept of a Bes Navy began to be developed over the course of the Astris Genocide while Maran and his accomplishes rushed to evacuate civilians via the ocean, using the Aravun Yashelin's disinterest in the sea to their advantage. Once they reached the Bes Island Chain and began to build a ramsackle home there, they did not stop sailing within the barriers trapping them within that speck of the ocean. It would not be until the barrier fell, however, that the Bes Navy would begin to be known as such, giving rise to the Bes Navy Sailors as they are known today.
Alternative Names
Bes Pirates
Most of their actions outside of Bes waters are questionably legal. It all depends on one key question: do the recipients of the Bes Navy's attention interpret them as saviors or pirates?


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