
Most Aravun residents of Purple Mountain City and Blue Springs look forward to blizzards, despite the potential severity of the storm itself. They only happen once every few years, sometimes more for Purple Mountain City owing to its strategic location. The snow always comes down in thick sheets, usually dumping on the region for several days in a row and causing even the most cold-hardy, properly dressed adventurer to shiver.   The reason people look forward to them is because it is the greatest excuse to not leave the house for an extended period of time. Naturally, as a result, blizzards have become associated with time for partying and spending quality time with loved ones and friends. Traditionally, two or three residents per street will open their households to receive guests for the duration of the blizzard, turning what began as a way to keep track of everyone during dire weather conditions into a festive ocassion.   Naturally, the blizzard is not looked forward to by medical and emergency services, who have to trudge out into the cold regardless of their desires to the contrary. At the same time, with everyone at home, said medical and emergency service staff also usually look forward to the storm because there are fewer calls than normal. It's what happens after the storm that makes the first responders want to tear their feathers out.   After the storm, everyone from the oldest Yashelin to the youngest goes out to play in the snow. Snow ball fights, snow forts, sledding, among other wintertime activities are incredibly popular. Only the bravest Yashelin jump in the snow and take a snow bath, preening their feathers in the newly fallen snow as if they were taking a sand or dust bath with no reward expect the admiration and consternation of their peers.
Snowy Street by Aster Vela via Nightcafe


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