Bring Opa Home

Coran had asked all of them, ‘if you find Opa, please bring them back. They’re not strong, they won’t be able to put up a fight even if they wanted to. Bring them home for me, please, they’re just following their friends.’   Domini had smiled, had comforted their Serayin with a warm hug. They had said, “I promise we'll do our best to bring Opa home, Cora.”   Domini stalks the waters after the flood, waiting for their moment to strike.   Opa wades out into the water, towards a flailing Kivrian creature in the water.   They feel only a moment of hesitation. They remind themself: Coran is their Serayin, but Coran is not the Ida.   The Ida said die, and so they will all die.   Starting here.   Domini, who never much liked Opa anyway, uses Opa as target practice.   It only takes a few tries. Coran was right: they really are weak.   Pathetic.   A few measely snaps of pure spiritual energy, and Opa's naught but smoke on the wind.   A shiver runs up Domini's spine as they stand there, smiling down at the place in the water where Opa once was. They could get used to this.


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