Chamatoye Public Railway

The Chamatoye Public Railway is a transportation network dedicated to shuttling passengers and goods between settlements quickly and efficiently across the Kotuye Continent.   Originally, if the Yashelin wanted to travel, they had two realistic options: walking or flying. Walking took too much time and flight took too much energy over long distances. Large carts or carriages were also unavailable for carrying goods to and fro, because they lacked animals capable of such a feat. While small, vimstone-power propelled carriages had been invented for agricultural and internal settlement purposes, it would often be faster to just walk outside of these wellmaintained exceptions to their environment.   Plans were made to clear land in order to support carriages, but Chamu and their team stepped in with a better, though much more ambitious, idea in the name of protecting as much of the natural world around them as possible. Why not use their new centralized power grid to power a constant flow of stagecoaches on a set track?   From this question, the Chamatoye Public Railway was born. The railway is connected directly to the central power grid of the Yashelin peoples located just south of the Purple Mountain City. It runs 24/7, with only a one week official pause per year for general maintenance and as needed pauses for emergencies.  
“Don’t expect me to follow you all the way out there, though,” Petal continues the yarn. “My commute’s already a pain.”   Rafa's smile brightens a degree. “I’m telling you, Coran and Seri stayed in Heshi Ariko to spite you.”   “Fucked up if true.”   “Coran’s commute is longer.”   “Coran’s all over the place.”   “You could always fly, it'll be faster than the Chamway.”   “I can also just stay home and skip the whole work thing entirely. Have you ever thought of that?”   “You could… take over PMC's hospital.” Rafa’s grinning, now, and Petal relaxes.   “And leave you unsupervised? Perish the thought.”

Social Impact

  The Chamatoye Public Railway's importance for the people of the Kotuye Continent, Yashelin and Fas alike, cannot be understated. It allowed them to travel and live further away than ever. A resident who chose to move to the southernmost bluffs could now realistically commute from there to the central mountains. It also revolutionized the transport of goods, which could now travel long distances uninhibited by the strength of the person transporting it.  
Interior Train Car 1 by Aster Vela via Nightcafe
Train Car Interior 2 by Aster Vela via Nightcafe


  Each train is different depending on the region and distance it is expected to travel. An average 'commuter' train pulls five carriages. Three of the carriages at the front of the train are dedicated to passengers, while the other two are dedicated to the transportation of goods, usually agricultural or industrial in nature. The interior of the train cars usually range from comfortable to inexplicable fancy as a testiment to the pride the Yashelin take in their craftsmanship.
Train Car Interior 3 by Aster Vela via Nightcafe
Translation: The Great Wandering Railway, also known as the Chamway


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Jul 27, 2023 22:27 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

There's just something so very romantic about the thought of trains. Thanks for this!

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

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