Council of Five

The Council of Five is the governing body of the Zezu Flock. Its members are Seri, Zibibi, Pamash, Charo, and Shu. Ezeki, who asked them all to gather and govern, is also invited when its health allows.   Ezeki chose each member for three principle reasons:
  1. Representation of diverse communities within (and outside of) the Zezu Flock.
  2. Proven track record of exceptional and honorable leadership.
  3. Ability to act with discretion as individuals and as a group.

Member Overview

Seri, the Serayin of Education
Seri is the leader of the Council of Five. Their personal primary concern is that of the Yashelin Education System, but they have also taken on the lion share of Ezeki's former, much broader responsibilities.   They are Ezeki's Decenir, its most trusted confidant. As such, it keeps it apprised of everything going on within Aravu.
Pamash, the Philosopher
Pamash is the most prominent philosopher amongst the Yashelin. They have a sharp wit and even sharper intelligence, which they use to dissect even the smallest bit of information placed in front of them.
Shu, the Young yet Wise Altarkeeper
Shu is the youngest member of the Council of Five. They are entrusted with organizing most of the Yashelin's cultural festivals. They are also one of the altarkeepers. These two activities are only two of three of the reasons why they were invited to join the council.   The third is similar to that of a spy; due to their age, easygoing nature, and their trusted positions, they are privy to much more casual interactions with the public than the rest of the council members.
Zibibi, the Lead Librarian
Zibibi is the Lead Librarian of the Kotuye Library and Education Center. They interact with the public on a daily basis in addition to their other responsibilities, which include the upkeep of the library and its many books and artifacts.   The library is labyrinthine and many Yashelin frequent it on a near daily basis. Zibibi's intimate familiarity with its halls, its ability to meld into the shadows and observe undetectd, and its position as the library's beloved (if stern) caretaker make it a critical member of the council.
Charo, the Literary Savant
Charo is Zibibi's direct subordinate. They are primarily responsible for curating and maintaining the various books and artifacts within all of the libraries. Besides their role in ensuring the conservation of the treasures of the Yashelin, they are also a respected educator and source of all things literary. They have bound more books than most people can conceive of, have authored fewer books than that, and have edited many more books by others.   They have their finger on the literary pulse of the Yashelin and quite a few of the Fas as well. They are a literature nerd like Ezeki, but with the freedom to delve into subject matter that it cannot.


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