
After the The Great Flood, even the land at its outskirks was uninhabitable. It would take over a thousand years for it to be safe enough for general habitation, and even then, none dared linger. Suddenly, however, a few people found their way back despite their fears. A few poor Awassi farmers and their families migrated to the very edge of the Flood Wastes, in hope of escaping the raging plague surrounding them. A handful of families then joined them after the plague finally settled into a memory, to escape from the wars now raging over who owned the empty land all of the death left behind. Together, they named the meager village they called home Crevis.   In recent years, Crevis has transformed from an impoverished and isolated village to an outpost buzzing with researchers of the Flood Wastes. They were regarded warmly by the villagers at first, then with a more wary eye as it became harder for them to tell the researchers from thrill-seekers. In response to the local unrest caused by this doubt and an outcry from international Astris and Awassi communities, the International Bantow Research Center was created.   Nowadays, Crevis walks the line between a humble village, research facility, and a small tourist destination.


The majority of Crevis' permanent residents are Awassi farmers and craftsmen. Some researchers, explorers, and heritage-seekers have also chosen to live in the village full time. It is one of the few places remaining in the world where the Awassi make up the majority of the population, comprising 98% of the permanent population.


Although the villagers have built crude wood-and-stone fencing around their town and fields, there is little else in terms of defence infrastructure. Its location next to the Flood Wastes is, at least for now, enough to deter most governments, none of whom want to claim and thus have to deal with caring for the ruined land.


One of the more striking examples of the ingenuity of Crevis farmers is how they've adapted to the questionable safety of the soil: all of their fields are grown in the style of raised bed gardens, with soil they've carefully treated.


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Jul 12, 2023 02:08 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the detail of how the farmers have adapted to the soil. I'm curious as to exactly what thrill seekers are seeking.

Jul 12, 2023 12:20

Thank you! My goal has been to complete a prompt before work and come back to it on my days off, and that's definitely one of those things that got glided over in both articles! The Flood Wastes are home to the world's largest and deepest cave systems as well as some of the most dramatic mountain ranges. It's understandable why people want to explore, because it's beautiful and seen as one of the last true wild places, but it's both 1) easy to die out there far away from civilization, especially in the caves, and 2) it's the site of an attempted genocide. That makes it incredibly dicey as a tourist destination, and exactly what attracts certain kinds of tourists/explorers.

Jul 13, 2023 13:54 by Marjorie Ariel

Yikes! That makes sense.   I totally get the completing a prompt and coming back to it later. Thanks for sharing!

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