
The Random Name Empire offered a reward up to $20M for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Dani for his critical role in developing weapons of mass destruction during the Billowing War. His closest surviving underling described him as "willing to do anything to achieve his goals" and the government related warned the public not to approach him if spotted.    Despite the fact that Dani was the most wanted criminal for eighty years, he was somehow never found. Had he even existed at all? Did the Empire really want to pay that much money for something that happened an entire generation ago? These questions convinced the Random Name Empire to drop their charges against Dani.   According to the history books, Dani was likely nothing more than a scapegoat. A fantastical fabrication meant to hide the shameful actions of others. Mwimic folklore, on the other hand, begs to differ.  


The first theory assumes that the Yashelin are hiding the existence an actual person named Dani.   The second theory figures that Dani never existed at all and was the imaginary scapegoat for the top brass within the empire.   The third theory believes that Dani was a real Yashelin person, but their spirit corrupted and turned him evil. Some believe that he turned evil by chance, while others blame the possibly infectious evil energy of war. Yashelin are more sensitive to spiritual energy, after all, right?


$20M for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Dani
Opposite Name Empire
The suspect has red feathers with white spots which cover his entire body.
Eye Color


The third theory ultimately won in the hearts and minds of many people, especially once generations had passed on and the Billowing War became "ancient" history.   Nowadays, Yashelin people are seen as harbingers of doom in times of war or in times of great strife. This is a common superstition primarily belonging to peoples who follow the Mwimic belief systems. They worship and fear the Yashelin as messengers or traitors of God, depending on the person.   What makes Dani especially terrifying in popular folklore is the fact that no one knows whether or not Dani was a Messenger or a Traitor.  


Dani diligently watches over his soldier-scientists with the eye of a hawk.   Behind him, a new recruit slowly rises.   She'd seen enough of this.   She can't let this keep happening.   She has to--   Before the recruit can raise her illegally acquired gun to open fire, she's already dead.   The soldier-scientists are given an hour break while they clean the mess.   No one bats an eye and no one strays from their mission.   Nothing gets passed Dani, after all. Curse him.
"Why are your feathers red?!"   Dani walks faster, remembering just how annoying Ravi could be now that he has found him. Or maybe that was the anxiety talking.   "Holy shit, are you wearing contacts, too?! Eve--"   "Ravi, shut up! Why do you think I look different?" Dani snaps back, gesturing vaguely at the fucked up world surrounding them. "Use your own brain and, for the fucking love of God, call me Dani!"   Dani can feel the questions aimed at the back of his head, but at least Ravi stopped talking.   "You look good," Ravi mumbles, from beside her now. "Older."   "Thanks," Dani says with a great sigh.   He wraps a wing around Ravi's shoulder and they walk side-by-side until they return home.   "Dani, seriously, why aren't you at home?" Ravi asks, naively assuming that they are safe in his bugged to hell and back apartment but thankfully respecting his name. "How did you get all the way out here? I thought you were in Haven already."   So many words, so many thoughts, and Dani doesn't feel safe saying any of them.   Instead, he points out a poorly hidden camera and carefully signs, "Looking for you."
Dani fidgets the night away.    He thought he'd sleep well, he really did, but the thing is...   Sure, he found Ravi. But he's still not safe. They're not safe. No one is safe.   He still has so much work to do.   He just wants to go home.
"Ravi, wake up!" Dani screams at the top of her lungs. "Grab you bag, we've gotta move!"   Ravi protests as she pushes him out of the door, "My phone! I can't find my--   ""Forget the damn phone, Ravi!" Dani growls. "We're going home!"   No more words were needed, at least not until they hunkered down the next morning for a brief rest.   "Ravi, help," Dani says, shoving a bottle in their hand. "Bleach my feathers white again."   "Ok, Dani."   "Eve, Ravi."   "... Why are you Eve again? What did you do?"   Eve shakes her head. Ravi is at least wise enough now to leave it at that.
  Quote the prose between Maran and Eve, later on, when Eve confesses that she was Dani.


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