Defenders of Creation

Content Warning: Hate Groups
  An 'activist' group turned domestic terrorists, the biggest threat posed by the Defenders of Creation is how well they have disguised themselves amongst the general mileu of Yashelin life. This group was founded by Domini following the Astris Genocide and the First War in order to ensure that the community would remain safe from what they deem a spiritual contagion. Their scapegoat of choice for this 'contagion' is the Astris.   Their main goal is simple: they seek to defend the sanctity of the Ida's creations from those who deviate from its vision.   Although newcomers are rarely permitted in the inner sanctum of the social circle unless they had been thoroughly vetted, this group understands the immense importance of generating and maintaining allies within the wider community. Those who had aligned with them in the past or are on the brink of it are usually treated with honey tongues and treatment while they slowly envelope you in their community... On the other hand, if they think you have caught the spiritual contagion (the clearest symptoms are disagreeing with them), you will be entirely blacklisted from an entire subset of Yashelin social life -- the baker won't allow you in their shop, they will change their primary care doctor to another, etc. If they lost that level of community support and influence, they would have no power.


While the Defenders of Creation do not have an official hierarchy, those who fought to exterminate the Astris during the Astris Genocide are highly respected.


Only the Ida, the God of Creation itself, managed to put a stop to the group after they bridged the gap from 'menacing' to 'actively violent.' Although this group no longer exists officially and they've lost their social standing in the community, some of them still try to convince themselves that they're just licking their wounds.
Illicit, Terrorist group
Alternative Names
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Aug 11, 2023 21:25 by Barron

Oh boy, it sounds like these guys really had a bad time at the hands of the powers that be. Great article, I would love to have some quotes from a member, or now that they are disbanded, a historian who understood their means. Great article!

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