
At the very top of Yashelin soceity on Planet of Aravu stand the Serayin, and right below them are the Decenir. Together, they aim to keep life moving smoothly for respective communities. There is no official name for the Serayin and Decenir collectively, or at least not one that they have taken upon themselves. Those who follow their lead often call them the Ezekoru, or the Storybearers, when they are feeling polite and/or reverent. When they are not, they also call the lot of them various other euphemisms that will not be repeated here because they are often targeted at individuals rather than the whole group.   The Ezekoru make time to meet with one another as a group twice monthly or more to discuss past, current, and future news and needs within their communities. Since one of the Serayin rarely make a decision without the feedback of their Decenir, the Serayin as a collective naturally gravitate towards seeking out the perspectives of the Decenir as a collective as well before taking collective actions.   This proximity and opinion seeking behavior on the part of the Serayin also means that the Decenir wind up knowing much more about the state of the world than most other Yashelin.   Sometimes they wish they didn't.   The Ezekoru, the Storybearers, are called that not only because they facilitate the continuation of Yashelin society from above, although they do that. They are the Ezekoru primarily because they control how Yashelin history is told and thus remembered via decisions regarding what they do and do not share with the public.   Sometimes for the best, and sometimes for the worst, the Ezekoru are able to hide major secrets that may otherwise rile up the public and interrupt daily life. The Ezekoru will likely ever explicitly talk about the recent errors of the Ida with the public which they as a society are only just beginning to recover from. This is likely best kept a secret from a society with a deeprooted reverence for the Ida, their Creator and God. Relatedly, however, their refusal to budge regarding transparency surrounding the increasing displeasure and distress of the Ida regarding the development of the Astris may have prevented the Astris Genocide.   Sometimes for the best, and sometimes for the worst, the Ezekoru are also able to share what would otherwise have been major secrets explicitly to rile up the public. After Ravi's exile despite being a mali, the retaliation of several Serayin gave many other discontents with in the community to stand up and fight for the elimination of exile as a punishment for everyone. When Heyir spoke up about the Ida's mistreatment of Ezeki and the resulting fight between the Serayin became a public debacle, however, the revealed secrets spun out of control and resulted in the First War and the development of exile as a punishment in the first place.
Government, Leadership
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Aug 4, 2023 14:46 by Nathalia Books

I love this article with every fiber that I got. It is nice consistent and the text has a nice flow to it. I also love that the background is transparent and you can see the ship, which gives it another element.

Every story starts with a dream, so start dreaming
Aug 4, 2023 15:29

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like the ship peeking through! <3

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