Fen Fiber

Fen fiber is the hair that grows up an animal called a Fenip. The secret to processing this fiber into decadently soft and sturdy thread and yarn is highly guarded by the Fas Fenwell Gens, as are the animals which grow it, from all outsiders.   This fiber provides the Fenwell with a notable advantage when negotiating with the Aravun Yashelin. Since the Aravun Yashelin are unable to produce the fiber independently, the Fenwell are able to set the prices exorbitantly high while dealing with them while providing more reasonable prices to other Fas peoples. Recently, the Fenwell have gifted the refugees from the Mapek Gens with copious amounts of fiber to use or to trade, a gesture of extreme charity.   Fen fiber is useful in many different projects because of its softness and durability. The key is how the person in possession of the fiber treats it after it is spun into thread or yarn. Most Yashelin reserve Fen fiber for the most valuable garments in their wardrobe. When woven, it makes a fabulous fiber for winter weather.   If there is fiber left over (or you happen to be of a species that isn't paying a premium), it makes excellent knitted or crocheted dolls and stuffed animals. The Fenwell Gens stuffs their mattresses with it.


Material Characteristics

After Fen fiber is sheared from the animal and before it is processed, the fiber looks like a dense, matted clump of long brown animal fur. After it has been processed, it looks like a fluffy brown cloud that is soft but vaguely sticky to the touch.   Fen Fiber is naturally brown but is often turned white before it is sold for a more "cleanly" appearance and texture. In addition to ridding it of its naturally sticky residue, turning the fibers white or gray also makes it easier for the buyer to dye the fiber in their desired colors.


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