Feral Sophont

Feral sophonts are those Kivria creatures that are determined to be of high intelligence, yet have resisted the pressures of organized civilization in a manner similar to the Awassi or Henin peoples. Once common through the planet, only pockets of these creatures exist - some solely conserved in zoos and sanctuaries.

Types of Feral Sophonts

Feral sophonts vary greatly in their comportment.   Some feral sophonts are feared and othered because of it. The Sikna, for example, are solitary predators that stem from a magical, Henin origin. Although they come from the Henin, they are not recognized as full sophonts due to their solitary and feared status.   Another example of a feral sophont is the mouflon, the noble, peaceful ovine ancestor of the Awassi. They appear to have intelligence which rivals that of the established and accepted sophonts. They are not recognized as such, however, because they lack an acceptably complex system of communication between themselves and others.


Most feral sophonts in the current era are listed as critically endangered. The Awassi and the Henin have largely taken over habitats which feral sophonts thrived in, thus pushing them further and further into the outskirts of Kivrian civilization rather than allowing them the space to evolve. Some communities actively don't want any of them to evolve into true sophonce, for various reasons.

Controversial Topics


The term is subject to much controversy in Kivria, and yet, the terminology persists for lack of better classification of these creatures.


Hybrids between feral sophonts and the Awassi and the Henin are more common than most Kivrian societies are willing to admit. Hybrids are usually labelled as Hewas, for their own safety and that of their family's honor.

Notable Individuals

Geographic Distribution


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